What is Cyber ​​Monday and when does it start? Here is the history!

many of you Black Friday, well Black Friday heard of his day. 25 November known as from Christmas previous last friday called day. EnglandParties and celebrations are traditionally held on this day in . There are also very advantageous discounts on many brands and products. Thus, people can shop much more economically than usual during Black Friday discounts.

Now, another discount day is on the agenda, such as the increased shopping spree on the last Friday before Christmas. Alright Cyber ​​Monday, well Cyber ​​Monday What day does this day, known as ‘Known’, coincide with and why is it celebrated?

The application and game for 510 TL is temporarily free!

Google Play Store made 15 applications, 23 games and 4 customization packages free of charge, with a total value of 510 TL.

Cyber ​​Monday like Black Friday

Cyber ​​Monday, Another e-commerce known as the term. A special day celebrated in some countries abroad Thanksgiving well First after November 25 Monday day Cyber ​​Monday is celebrated as Again, on this day, big discounts are made as on Black Friday. The discount news for these two days is also announced a long time ago.

Accordingly, tomorrow 29 November Cyber ​​Monday. So why do people consider the Monday after Thanksgiving a shopping spree? This term is the first 28 November 2005 appeared in history. According to what has been said, 2004 They found that people shopped most after Thanksgiving that year.

Why was online shopping increasing after Thanksgiving?

At that time, in line with the Thanksgiving celebrations, companies were giving great discounts over the internet, as on every special day. But because technology was not as advanced as it is in those years, people’s internet connections were slow.

Therefore, as workplaces have a faster internet network, people were waiting for Monday to come and ordering using the high-speed internet that the workplace has. As such, it is natural to conclude that the Monday after Thanksgiving is the day when the online shopping numbers exploded.

What do you think about Cyber ​​Monday, another day of these big online shopping discounts? Are you taking advantage of the discounts on this day? You can share your ideas with us in the comments.

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