What is Coordination in Sports and Business Life, What Does It Mean?

Coordinator, general coordinator, let’s coordinate, coordinate; Well what does it all mean? Coordination is actually the first step necessary to be successful in both business and sports life. There is nothing you cannot achieve with the right coordination. Let’s examine what coordination is in all details.

When we are faced with the question of what is coordination, some answers come to our minds and some images come to life before our eyes. Although these images and thoughts differ for everyone, the end is the same; success. Whether in business life or sports life; individuals or groups with the necessary coordination to complete a task they will surely achieve the success they aim for in the end.

No muscle sleeps in a coordinated athlete, and no employee lazes in a coordinated workgroup. They work at the same time with similar strength and successfully tackle a task that would normally have been much more difficult to complete. Of course, this is not an easy task, and you need to make a special effort to improve your coordination skills. Bride what is coordination Let’s take a closer look at the details you need to know about this unique skill.

What is coordination? Coordination in sports and business life

Let’s start with the basics; What is coordination?

Coordination, also called co-ordination or co-coordination; the connection and relationship between different works to be done to achieve a determined goal, to ensure that it is organized and harmonious. While this harmony can be achieved by the individual in individual works, this harmony should be ensured by the people in the team and the leader in group works.

Let’s take an example of tug-of-war, as it is both a sport and a business-like activity. A group of 10 people pulls the rope with all their might and aims to throw the opposing team into the mud. This team of 10 people, While pulling the rope at the same time with the commands of the leader, they should use their leg and arm muscles at the same time by ensuring their internal coordination. This is exactly what coordination is.

What is body coordination?

Body coordination means that all the muscles in the body work in harmony for the action to be taken. According to the action to be taken which muscles to use with what strength and the answer to which muscles need to be rested at that moment in order to be ready for the next action is hidden in coordination.

An athlete with improved body coordination, cold-blooded reactions to unexpected events can give. To give an example from football, when your friend to pass the ball is blocked, pushing the ball a little further and waiting for it to come to naught, or catching your other friend who is idle, is an action to be taken as a result of coordination skills.

Of course, body coordination also includes brain work. A mind that has already internalized body coordination; basic motor skills such as speed, strength, endurance develops much faster. For example, even doing push-ups is possible with good coordination, because your mind decides which muscles to work at the same time, thanks to coordinated muscle orders.

How to develop body coordination?

body coordination

  • Start by trying to practice simple movements.
  • Move on to complex moves as you develop simple moves.
  • Increase your self-confidence step by step.
  • Do even the simplest movements slowly at first.
  • Accelerate as your coordination improves.
  • Perform challenging movements such as moving legs and arms in opposite directions.
  • If you’re just starting out, don’t worry too much.
  • Make sure you get enough rest between sets.
  • Do not do more than 15 minutes of coordination work per day.
  • Begin coordination exercises when your body and mind are not tired.

Here are the main points you need to pay attention to to improve your body coordination. According to your sport The coordination movements you need to perform will differ. For this reason, before starting this type of training, do not forget to get advice from a specialist in that sport and, if necessary, from your doctor.

Now let’s look from the other window: What is coordination in business life?

work coordination

work coordination; employees in a workplace or a project team to achieve a common goal. means they work together and in sync as a whole. Although the individual efforts of the employees are extremely important for work coordination, the person who will provide the said synchronization is the manager or team leader.

The person who will provide the team coordination management, planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling Must have a good command of basic management tools such as When we look at it from this point of view, management means actually providing coordination. It is extremely difficult to separate the two from each other.

And a conductor of an orchestra directing a huge musical ensemble, the presentation of a small team for the new project. We can give an example for work coordination. There are people with different abilities, different motivations and different thoughts in front of the person who will provide work coordination. Directing all these people to the right destination is the hallmark of a good manager.

Methods of ensuring work coordination:

  • Planning coordination
  • Organization coordination
  • Staffing coordination
  • routing coordination
  • Control coordination

work coordination

Planning coordination:

In the coordination process provided by planning, a model is made of how different factors will come together. Before reaching the final plan Many different plans are eliminated one by one by discussion and exchange of ideas on the subject, and finally, a plan that will ensure full coordination is agreed upon.

Organization coordination:

According to business experts, coordination is the most basic step of organizing. A senior manager, other employees for whom he is responsible should know them well and give them tasks that are appropriate to their abilities. All the work of a group that knows who will do what, how, where and when will follow an uninterrupted coordination.

Staffing coordination:

A manager or team leader must first discover the talents at hand and organize them properly. However when he realizes that much more is needed if necessary, the team should be recruited by recruiting new people and should achieve an uninterrupted coordination model.

Routing coordination:

Although in recent years managers say that your place of work is not a workplace, but a family, do not believe it. All workplaces have a subordinate relationship. If the person in the top position does not direct the subordinate by guiding and giving instructions, that team will neither work in a coordinated way nor achieve the success they aimed.

Control coordination:

If the goal to be achieved as a result of coordinated work is a long-term goal, setting shorter-term goals control mechanism should be developed. The manager should develop short-term goals and check what happens every 100 meters of the marathon. In cases where the control mechanism disappears, coordination will also be disrupted.

Opening the doors of success in business and sports life What is coordination and how is it developed? We answered the frequently asked questions and talked about the details you need to know about the subject. You can share the coordination development methods you apply and your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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