What is Constitutionalism? Here is its Meaning and History

Constitutionalism, which is seen as one of the first steps towards democracy, is known as one of the forms of government that the Ottoman Empire implemented periodically. It is known that thanks to this form of government, the sultan’s powers were limited for the first time in the Ottoman Empire.

Countries have been governed by different management systems for centuries. Historically common among these management systems are: Monarchyaristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy and democracy can be exemplified. Constitutionalism The management system is known as a management system implemented in the Ottoman Empire between 1876 and 1918.

In this system of government, the powers of the sultan are limited by the parliament and the constitution for the first time. For this reason, as the first step towards democracy constitutionalism We can give the system as an example. Constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire II. During two periods, in two different time periods during the reign of Abdulhamid Ottoman became the form of government of the state. to these periods I. Constitutional Monarchy and II. Constitutionalism names are given.

Let’s start from the basics; What exactly is constitutionalism and what does it mean?

Constitutionalism, It derives from the Arabic word legitimate. We still use it today legitimate The word means “legal” in Turkish. To put it simply, the main purpose of constitutionalism is council and to prevent the sultan from making decisions alone in the administration by limiting the sultan’s powers in the constitution.

Now let’s take a closer look at the history of the constitutional monarchy:

you vahdettin

Constitutional Monarchy, We mentioned that in a country governed by a monarch, the monarch restricts his powers through the parliament and the constitution. Although the Constitutional Monarchy emerged in the late 19th century during the Ottoman period, its first steps 1215 In 1964, the English nobles gave King John the Homeless Magna Carta He was expelled after he signed the edict. After this edict, England transitions to the parliamentary system.


The First Written Constitution in History: Magna Carta Libertatum, Which Laid the Foundations of Today’s Legal System by Limiting the Powers of the King

So what are the features of constitutionalism?

  • Restricting the monarch’s powers through constitutional order
  • With the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy, Ottoman citizens gained the right to vote and be elected.
  • Convening of the parliament together with the Kanuni Esasi (first constitution)
  • Recognition of fundamental rights and freedoms
  • Acceptance of the rule of law
  • Freedom of expression and press
  • Non-governmental organizations gaining importance

These constitutionalism We can say its main features. In fact, when we read these features, we can see how similar it is to democracy. Because of this similarity to democracy As the first step, we show constitutionalism.

This system, in which the people had the right to say in government for the first time, was also tried for years in the Ottoman Empire. Legal Principle A constitution such as this was enacted and for the first time, the sultan’s influence in government was restricted and the Ottoman Empire was governed for centuries. sultanate system is worn out.

Let’s examine the constitutional period in the Ottoman Empire:

parliament ottoman

In the Constitutional period, We have said many times that not only the sultan but also his people have a say in the administration. We can think that this situation was a very innovative change for the Ottoman Empire. Of course, the people do not have a hundred percent influence in the administration. The people do not have the opportunity to form any party or hold any meetings. The people could only elect members of the Parliament and become candidates.

The first constitution was adopted in 1876 ‘Legal Fundamental’After the 1st Constitutional Monarchy period was declared. This constitution is considered a very liberal constitution for the people. In addition, the statement “Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Ottoman family” is added to the Kanuni Esasi. For this reason, the sultan had the authority to close the parliament, exile people, and review the laws without going to the parliament. This is also a law It is known as a situation that should not exist for the state and is contrary to the rule of law. Due to this reason I. Constitutional Monarchy The period lasted quite a short time.

I. What is the Constitutional Monarchy? Let’s talk briefly about the First Constitutional Monarchy Period:

1st constitutional period

First Constitutional Monarchy, It was declared in 1876 during the reign of Abdulhamid. Even though his aim was actually to restrict the sultan, of Kanuni Esasi Of course, it does not fully provide the desired order due to the freedoms it offers to the sultan.

Executive power still belonged to the sultan, and he could also appoint state dignitaries such as ministers and grand viziers. Since the people have very little right to govern, constitutionalism is nothing more than a step towards democracy.

How did the First Constitutional Monarchy end?

Towards the end of the 19th century War of 93 After the outbreak of the Ottoman-Russian war, also known as Ottoman Empire Despite fighting a defensive war on all fronts, the war ends with the victory of the Russian State. Russians to the Ottomans It caused great damage and enabled countries such as Greece to gain land in the Balkans.

Abdulhamid, Using the Ottoman-Russian war as an excuse, he suspended the constitutional monarchy in 1878.

II. What is constitutionalism? Briefly II. Let’s talk about the Constitutional Monarchy period:


I. Constitutional Monarchy Approximately 20 years after its termination, as a result of the pressures of the Committee of Union and Progress during the reign of Abdulhamid, constitutionalism was established. II. Constitutionalism It is announced again under the name In this period, political elections were held and two different sides were formed in politics for the first time. These liberal It is known as the thinking side and the Ahrar Party side.

which had a great impact during this period and caused the uprising. Journalist Hasan Fehmi Bey Knowing about his death from Abdulhamit leads to his dethronement. When he is replaced by Mehmed Reşat, the sultan has only symbolic authority and the parliament has more say in the administration.

II. How did the Constitutional Monarchy end?

In this period Ottoman His state participated in World War I and was defeated. As a result 21 December 1918 With the termination in 2011, II. The third period of the Constitutional Monarchy is ending. Again this period 11 April 1920 VI in its history. Assembly by Mehmet Vahdettin indefinite was terminated as.

From this date of the Ottoman Empire Until December 1, 1922, when it officially ended, the Ottoman state did not show any activity in domestic or foreign policy. Later, on October 29, 1923, the Republic of Turkey was established under the leadership of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.


What is ‘Monarchy’, a form of government in which all power is concentrated in a single hand, and in which countries does it exist today?

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