What is Consensus Cell Network? What Does ECELL Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is Consensus Cell Network? Consensus Cell Network (ECELL) is a decentralized blockchain application incubator. cryptocoin.com In this article, we answered questions such as what Consensus Cell Network is, what it offers, what is ECELL coin, what is it for, how to get it. Let’s examine this project together, which works as an incubator for decentralized applications on Blockchain.

What is Consensus Cell Network?

Consensus Cell Network is a decentralized blockchain application incubator. It aims to provide incubation and acceleration services for decentralized applications. It basically serves as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) composed of users, developers and investors. Blockchain technology has experienced a number of revolutions in its history, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. These revolutions have made cryptocurrencies an innovative mix in all walks of life through the encryption of Blockchain.

Therefore, cryptocurrencies are expected to be an integral part of the world of science and technology in the future. But the implementation of Blockchain technology as a whole is still in its infancy. Therefore, large-scale implementation will take a long time to be realized at the social level. Consensus Cell Network is a platform created according to this determination. The platform supports technological innovations in the development process of Blockchain. It also allows to create advanced application scenarios by guiding applications.

What does Consensus Cell Network offer?

Founded in September 2019, Consensus Cell Network provides incubation services for projects. Accordingly, the Blockchain platform supports the development of projects, provides them with consultancy services and enables them to find financing. It also provides various services such as creating scenarios for its applications. The project has successfully incubated the following dApps:

  • A decentralized funding agreement (ETF) called CellETF
  • A cryptocurrency wallet called CellWallet
  • A decentralized exchange (DEX) called CellSwap
  • Decentralized GameFi products called CellGame

What is ECELL? What does it do?

It is the native cryptocurrency of the ECELL Consensus Cell Network ecosystem. This cryptocurrency is basically an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token and provides a number of functions within the project. For example, ECELL is a tool for supporting and funding applications incubated within the platform. The token can also be used to distribute governance to organizations. In other words, projects can use ECELL to ensure their own decentralization. Finally, users who perform network operations and maintenance earn ECELL awards.

What is Consensus Cell Network? How to take ECELL?

Consensus Cell Network is currently traded on Bittrex and AEX exchanges. Those who want to buy ECELL must access these exchanges and become a member, then deposit money into their wallets and place a purchase order for the token. Within minutes of doing so, they can see the tokens they purchased in their wallets.

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