What is BrainTrust? What Does BTRST Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is BrainTrust? BrainTrust is a Blockchain platform that supports the connection between freelance talent and companies. In this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions such as what is BrainTrust, what it offers, what is BTRST, what it does, and how to get it. cryptocoin.com we have compiled for you. Let’s examine this platform that supports new generation business models together.

What is BrainTrust?

The way we work is undergoing a major transformation. The traditional “work until retirement” contract between employer and employee is being broken through short-term contracts. Job history moves from subjective records to unchanging records for ratings. Inefficient, expensive intermediaries are being replaced by liquid markets driven by software and algorithms. The highly centralized hierarchies of the past are being replaced by decentralized networks such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BrainTrust.

The BrainTrust project focuses on the changes mentioned above. This project aims to replace the old labor market and business model through a decentralized market. Accordingly, the market is liquid and algorithmically controlled and works as a talent network for freelancers. Built on the Ethereum Blockchain, the network allows users (demand) and talent (supply) to find and communicate with each other. Additionally, the platform’s native cryptocurrency, BTRST coin, powers the project.

What does BrainTrust offer?

Within BrainTrust, users can post job postings for freelancers. By doing this, they are gaining access to freelance talent. They also get in touch with them and get the job done by negotiating with them. Talents, on the other hand, can generate income through the network. According to this, they get paid by making agreements with companies and completing the works. In fact, many central freelance platforms already offer this service. However, BrainTrust hosts a number of advantages, especially Blockchain technology.

First of all, all job postings and freelance information in BrainTrust are recorded on Blockchain. In this way, everything is proven in cases where talents cannot be paid. Secondly, the platform works at much lower fees than traditional freelance websites. Accordingly, the talents do not pay any commission fees to the platform. Employers, on the other hand, can post advertisements at much lower costs than central companies.

What is BTRST? What does it do?

BTRST is the native cryptocurrency of the BrainTrust network. This cryptocurrency is built on Ethereum with the ERC-20 smart contract and hosts many use cases on the network. The token can be earned by introducing new people to the network and staking. Customers can spend this cryptocurrency to post jobs and improve their postings. Talents, on the other hand, pay with BTRST coin to take various courses where they can improve themselves. Finally, BTRST can be burned for participation in the management of the network.

What is BrainTrust? How to take BTRST?

Freelancer platform BrainTrust is currently listed on most cryptocurrency exchanges. Users who want to buy BTRST coins need access to the listing Binance, Coinbase, MEXC, BKEX, CoinTiger and BTCEX exchanges. After doing this, they can become a member and place a purchase order for the token by depositing money in their wallets.

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