What is AST and What Does High and Low Mean?

The AST enzyme produced by our liver, which is of vital importance for the functioning of our body, has a fundamental role in this functioning and gives important information about our liver health according to its value in blood test results. Let’s take a closer look at what AST is and see what can happen if it’s high or low.

Even if we are not aware of it, our body keeps us alive by doing countless processes at every moment. The most vital of these processes is undertaken by our liver. By producing enzymes such as ALT and AST, it performs many tasks, from digesting the food we eat to clotting the blood. The AST enzyme has a special place. because we can see if our liver is working properly according to its value in the blood.

Aspartate aminotransferase, known by the abbreviation AST, is actually an enzyme that is also present in our other organs, but since it is actually produced and most concentrated in the liver, it directly gives information about the health of this organ. If the AST rate in your blood is high, it means that there are some problems with your liver. Let’s examine the question of AST in a little more detail. and let’s see what can happen in cases such as bride height and low.

What is aspartate aminotransferase, AST in short?

Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase, also known as SGOT, AST for short. It is an enzyme produced by our liver. Although the liver is the most concentrated, a certain amount of AST is also found in the heart, kidneys, brain and muscles. Since the liver is mixed with the blood when it is damaged, the health of your liver is understood by the AST value that appears in the blood test results.

What does AST do?

The main task of our liver is to convert the food that enters our body into energy. For this, it produces a substance called bile. It also produces different components that help blood clot by removing waste and toxins from the blood. One of these components is the aspartate aminotransferase enzyme, which is abbreviated as AST. The value of the AST value in the blood test results indicates the health of the organs in which it is present.

What is the ideal AST value?

The aspartate aminotransferase enzyme, which is abbreviated as AST, is denoted by U and evaluated over its amount in 1 liter of blood. The ideal AST value for men is between 10 and 40 U/L. between, The ideal AST value of women is between 9 and 32 U/L. between. Low AST value is not seen very often, but when you have a ratio above these values, this is considered as AST elevation.

aspartate aminotransferase, asth, liver

What is AST elevation, why does it occur?

  • chronic hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Obstruction in the gallbladder ducts
  • liver cancer
  • acute viral hepatitis
  • Drug-induced liver damage
  • Congestion in blood vessels leading to the liver
  • burns
  • Heart attack
  • Intense exercise
  • muscle injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • pancreatitis
  • Different surgeries

An AST value above 40 U/L in men and 32 U/L in women is considered as AST elevation. Conditions that cause AST elevation are generally like this. However, if you have paid attention, there are many different conditions that can cause high AST. For this reason, when you have any problems, be sure to be examined by a specialist doctor instead of diagnosing yourself.

aspartate aminotransferase, asth, liver

Symptoms of AST elevation:

  • Jaundice on the skin and eyes
  • Constant feeling of being tired
  • extreme weight loss
  • A fat belly regardless of weight
  • Stomach ache
  • Loss of appetite
  • itchy skin
  • dark urine
  • light colored stool
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • bruises

These are some of the symptoms that occur as a result of the increase in the AST value in your blood when your liver is damaged. In most cases of AST elevation one or more of these symptoms are observed. However, even if there are no symptoms, a blood test may be ordered in some cases where your liver is at risk.

Conditions that create a risk of AST elevation:

  • Exposure to the hepatitis virus
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • Taking medications known to cause liver damage
  • genetic liver disorders
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • metabolism problems
  • fatty liver

If you do not have any of the symptoms of AST elevation, but you have one or more of these conditions. your doctor as a precaution He or she will want to check your AST with a blood test. Depending on the situation, a change in medication and lifestyle change may be recommended or a different treatment method may be applied.

aspartate aminotransferase, asth, liver

What causes low AST?

  • Kidney ailments
  • Urea height
  • Dialysis
  • sugar coma
  • Pregnancy
  • Vitamin B6 deficiency

Here are some of the conditions that lower the AST value in your blood. Low AST is not uncommon and when it is, it is generally short-lived. However, your doctor will make the best decision.

What is the difference value between AST and ALT?

Aspartate aminotransferase AST and alanine aminotransferase ALT are very similar to each other and are beneficial for liver health. These are enzymes that are generally evaluated together in blood tests. ALT enzyme is most concentrated in the liver, while AST is also found in the heart, kidney, brain and muscle system. The AST value can reveal damage to many different organs, especially the liver.

aspartate aminotransferase, asth, liver

How to lower the AST value?

  • Limit processed food consumption.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Try to consume fiber foods.
  • Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C.

Although it may vary depending on the condition or disease that raises your AST, in general, by taking such precautions and changing your lifestyle It is possible to lower your AST value. If the reason for your high AST value is a drug that causes liver damage, you can share this with your doctor and switch to a different drug or take an additional drug.

There is a direct relationship between liver health and your overall body health. Most of the time if your liver health is not good and your AST is high there are also problems in different parts of your body and you will see the symptoms depending on them. Therefore, you should always prioritize taking good care of your health in general.

such as exercising regularly, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption as well as changes that will improve your overall health You can protect your liver health by consuming foods such as artichoke, coffee, green tea, garlic, asparagus, grapes, peanuts, fish oil and grapefruit.

One of the enzymes produced by our liver, which is vital for our body. What is AST and what does it do? We talked about what can happen in cases of height and low by answering questions such as: What we describe is for informational purposes only. Remember that as with all health issues, you should go to the nearest health institution and get the most accurate and specific information about AST from a specialist physician.

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