What Is Ampere, What Does It Do?

We have electronic devices that we do not drop in our daily life, especially phones and computers. Have you ever noticed the expression “ampere” written on these devices and their batteries?

This term, which we will remember from the physics formulas, appears in many places from phones to computers, from batteries to white goods, batteries and batteries. Therefore, in this article ampere We wanted to share a few basic issues with you.

Ampere can be defined simply as the intensity of electric current flowing through a conductor. It is named after the French physicist Andre Marie Ampere. Its symbol is (A); It is used as (I) in formulas.. In order to better understand this term, we first need to talk about current.

Let’s get to know the current types briefly:

Current types It is divided into two as direct current and alternating current. Direct current (DC) is a unidirectional current that does not change direction. Direct current is used in devices such as television, telephone, refrigerator, computer. On the other hand, alternating current (AC) is a type of current that changes direction continuously in a short time. An example of this is urban electricity. Ampere is the unit of measurement for these currents.

What is the difference between Amps, Volts and Watts?

We often hear it used together. It is useful to distinguish between these terms. Ampere is a unit used to measure current while Volt is used to calculate voltage and Watt is used to calculate power. We can better understand these terms through the example of a water pipe. Current (ampere) is the amount of water flowing through the pipe. Voltage (volts) can be thought of as water pressure, and power (watts) can be thought of as the power of water. When a lot of water passes through the pipe, the current increases.

We can express the connection between them with a simple formula:

  • P (watts/power) = V (volts/voltage) * I (amps/current)

So, what will this information do for us in our daily life?


Leaving aside the formula dimension of the work, the importance of the amp for us comes to the fore in the selection of electronic devices. When purchasing a new electronic device We are trying to find our way through dozens of technical details and make the right choice. At this point, making use of current information will make our work much easier.

What happens if the amperage is high?

ampere meter

The current value of our charger is located on the battery. For example, in the expression 20.0 V = 7.5 A, the value of the charger is 7.5 Amps. This number determines the charging speed of our device. The higher the current, the charging speed will be shortened. Considering the water pipe example, the greater the amount of water flowing, the higher the rate of filling a place.

Will high current damage my battery?


We cannot say for sure that a high current will damage the device, in fact, it is a reason for preference for many. On the other hand, even though the high-amp charger charges fast, shortens battery life in the long run and it will cause overload if there is no protection. Another point to consider is that, regardless of the amperage of the charger, the capacity of the device it is charging (phone, computer, tablet, etc.) is that the device can only take that much.

For example, in the example above, if our charger is 20.0 V= 7.5 A and our computer is 20.0 V= 3.25 A, the computer can charge up to 3.25 A capacity. However, if the computer is 7.5 A and the charger it will be connected to is 3.25 A. both the computer and the charger will be damaged.

What kind of charger should you buy?


Among the materials used in smartphones, chargers come to mind as the most frequently broken or lost product. If you are planning to buy a new charger, You should take care to choose the right charger so that you do not encounter any problems later on. In addition to avoiding problems that you may encounter, you should also pay attention to various factors that affect the performance of the device.

CE certification and mAh rating

charger ce certificate

One of the most important elements to consider when buying a new charger is the CE certificate. This is a type of certification that guarantees that the product has passed all required tests. If you plan to use a charger that does not have this certification, You need to make sure that it is original and of quality.

The type of charger you are considering buying or examining should not be lower than the amount of energy your mobile phone has. So the charger should not have a lower mAh than the amount of energy your phone has. If you do not have a charger suitable for your device, your phone you may damage the battery and shorten its life.

To summarize, the things to consider when buying a charger are as follows;


  • Products of well-known and reliable brands under warranty should be preferred.
  • A charger suitable for the volt/ampere value of our device should be selected.
  • If possible, the same brand as the brand of our device should be preferred.

This technology allows devices to charge with 9 or 12 volts, significantly shortening the charging time. Since all of these products have passed the voltage fluctuation test, they are on the market and offered for sale. Of course, it is useful to make sure that these products are original and reliable.

For the more technical side of things, refer to the step-by-step ampere calculation process and formulas. from this article you can reach.

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