What is a technology detox and how is it done?

Do you check your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning? Do you go to your computer after your work is done? your free time telephone Or are you using a tablet? If you are doing these tech detox You may be a good candidate for

Nowadays digital Many people in the world are logging in, posting and commenting every day and every minute. You may find yourself intertwined with too much technology while doing these operations in order not to miss out on necessity or what is happening. In this article we technology We have compiled what the detox is and how it is done.

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What is a tech detox?

Technology detox smart phone, TV, computer and tablet It refers to a certain period of time that he avoids using technological devices such as This detox is often seen as a way to focus on real-life interaction.

Today, with the formation of the digital world, technology has become the leading role in our lives. There are many reasons to give up your mobile phone and other devices, even for a short time. Regardless of these reasons, every person needs a technology detox. So how do you do a tech detox?


How to do a technology detox?

Screen time isn’t all bad. For this screen Decide which parts of your time at work are toxic and make you unhappy. In this way, you can set a certain time for yourself. Instead of spending most of your day on the computer or phone, plan what you can do.


Learning about what’s going on in the world is often informative, but it can also be distracting. Show that you can live without knowing what’s going on by turning off your notifications.

  • Put your phone away while you eat.

Especially while eating Watching and looking at things on the phone or computer is quite fun and enjoyable. However, this situation increases your technology addiction rather than allowing you to pass the time. To avoid this, you should put your phone or computer aside and focus on your meal.

  • Find out how you can entertain yourself without screen brightness.

Constantly watching something to share, scroll down and to comment Over time, it takes you away from yourself. During this detox, your brain will be in the digital world rather than refresh to understand where you are in the real world. This way, you can better see what amuses you.

  • Get back to real sociability.

Facebook, twitter, Instagram and prioritize real sociability by getting rid of other blue-light sociability. Put the phones aside and focus on the time you spend with your family or friends. This activity is one of the most beautiful and fun ways to get away from technology.


Be determined after a tech detox

What do you need to do in order not to return to the old usage as if nothing happened after the technology detox? To see a positive effect as a result of the purification you have done, digital world Set a specific time for In this way social media or when you really want to use other applications, you will be able to find the opportunity to use them.

You will get the most benefit if you do something more than once. Even if it’s for an hour or two during the day, detox It helps you recharge and relax. This will be perfect for improving your quality of life.

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