What is a proxy, what does it do, how is it used?

Proxy, which almost shields you on the Internet, is a familiar technology for many computer users. Not only does it protect you, it does other goodies as well. If you are confused about what proxy technology is and how to access it on your computer, this content is for you.

Proxy is an English word meaning ‘Proxy’ in Turkish. Wakil is a word that has passed into our language from Arabic and means ‘one who leaves or authorizes someone to do his job’. The word proxy Understanding it is also important in terms of understanding what it does.

We can also call it as proxy server or authoritative server. What is a proxy, what does it do, what are the types Let’s take a closer look..

First of all, what is a proxy?

Every computer connected to the Internet has addresses, just like our homes. Internet protocol (IP) These addresses, known as these, are also found on the websites we enter. In other words, you can enter the sites where you know the IP number by typing these numbers. But of course, what is the need for that! That’s why every site has a domain name. This is where Proxy comes into play. Acting like another computer within a computer Seeing your IP number on the internet they are blocking. Hence, they are a freedom warrior or the guards guarding your castle as you can see.

When we enter a site on the Internet, there is a kind of connection between our computer and the servers that the site is connected to. traffic that is, there is a flow of information. Internet users, when not using proxy fully visible on the internet they become. When a proxy intervenes, our computer only makes requests by contacting the proxy. proxy sends this request to the servers behind the website.

So what does a proxy do?

You can access blocked sites using a proxy, faster and safer on the internet You can roam. The purpose of some Proxies is to filter/block access to harmful sites or speed up data flow by saving bandwidth rather than hiding identity on the internet. There are benefits for companies as well as individual benefits. In-house documents to be kept confidential It provides an extra secure environment for anything that can be created on a computer and shared on the Internet, such as

What are the proxy types?

  • Forward Proxy
  • Transparent Proxy
  • Anonymous Proxy (Anonymous Proxy)
  • High Anonymity Proxy
  • Distorting Proxy
  • Data Center Proxy (Data Center Proxy)
  • Residential Proxy (Residential Proxy)
  • Public Proxy
  • Shared Proxy
  • SSL Proxy (Secure Socket Layer/ Secure Socket Layer Proxy)
  • Rotating Proxy
  • Reverse Proxy
  • HTTP Proxy
  • SOCKS Proxy
  • ELITE Proxy

Basically every proxy same functioneven though i see differences in terms of use they show.

How to access proxy settings?

Accessing Proxy settings for Windows 10:

  • Step #1: Open the Settings tab.
  • Step #2: Open the “Network&Internet” section.
  • Step #3: Select Proxy/Proxy from the list.

Step #1: Open the Settings tab.

Click “Start” at the bottom left. Then we come to “Settings”, the symbol of which is the gear.

Step #2: Open the “Network&Internet” section.

Click on “Network&Internet” in the “Settings” tab.

Step #3: Select Proxy/Proxy from the list.

From the list on the left Proxy/Proxy Click on the button to turn it on for automatic detection of the settings.

Accessing Proxy settings for macOS:

  • Step #1: Open the Apple menu and go to Network/Network in system preferences.
  • Step #2: Select your preferred network and click Advanced.
  • Step #3: Select proxy settings and apply your preferred setting.

Step #1: Open the Apple menu and go to Network/Network in system preferences.

Open the Apple menu by clicking the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the desktop. Next, we select Network/Network from System Preferences.

Step #2: Select your preferred network and click Advanced.

Ethernet or Wi-Fi, we choose which network we are using. Next, we click on Advanced.

Step #3: Select proxy settings and apply your preferred setting.

Click on the “Proxies” tab to access the proxy settings. From this tab, we choose whatever proxy we use.

What are the downsides of proxy?

Finally, proxy Although there are many benefits of using it, there are also aspects that can make people angry. Sudden connection and service interruptions may reduce the speed of logging in to liveable or non-cached sites. You should be very careful when choosing a proxy because your wireless network intruders can see your activity. Finally, all proxies are application-based and therefore cannot cover the entire device.

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