What is a Hidden Raise, How is it Applied?

We explained what the hidden hike, which is a method frequently used by companies with the economic crisis, is and how it is applied. Let’s take a closer look at what is a hidden raise and how it is done.

One of the biggest problems of our country, especially in recent years increased exchange rates and inflation. Our money is losing value day by day and its effects have started to affect almost every aspect of our daily lives. We may have to buy a product that we buy today at a more expensive price tomorrow. This situation, which started to get out of control gradually, started to be talked about more on Turkey’s agenda.

While the price hikes due to the bad economy bothered us, the uglier side of it, the hidden price increases, started to increase. well this Do you know what is a hidden raise, how and why it is done? Come on, let’s look for answers to questions such as what is the secret price hike, which we are starting to see very often in our country, and why it is applied.

To those who say I always get 50 TL: What is the hidden raise?

A hidden price hike is a system that allows more profit to be gained by reducing the weight or quality of a product, even if the price remains the same. For example, if 80 grams of wafer, which was 2 TL 5 years ago, is still sold for 2 TL today, it has been reduced to 60 grams. secret time has been paid. Although you are pleased that there is no change in the price of this wafer, which you have been consuming for years, in fact, the product you buy has been increased for years because it has decreased.

Hidden raise methods

Weight reduction

hidden raise

This price hike technique, which aims to keep the price of the product stable or slightly increase by shrinking the product itself, is among the most widely used types of hidden price hikes in our country and in the world. Of course, the hidden raise is not only done by reducing the weight. Actually the most equitable way to get a hidden raise weight reduction it could be. Because other methods can be much more dangerous and frustrating.

Reducing the quality of raw materials used in the product

hidden raise

Reducing weight is not the only way to reduce the cost of a product. used in construction reducing the quality of the raw material You can also apply the same procedure. In this method, although the price is kept constant, a hidden increase is applied because the quality of the raw material used is kept low.

Making a hidden raise through marketing

hidden raise

The hidden raise is not always done by interfering with the product. Sometimes a hidden raise can be made through the marketing method. Moreover, this hidden price It’s called “discount”. For example, a product that normally costs 100 TL is increased to 150 TL 2 days before the discount period and reduced to 110 TL on the discount day. With this system, the product, which no one even looks at when it is 100 TL, is almost non-existent.

Why is there a hidden raise?

hidden hike petrol

Much more than usual hidden raise, which is an annoying method, Although it may seem like making fun of people’s minds at some point, it may be necessary in some cases. For example, the economic crisis that our country is in right now is an undeniable reality. Due to this crisis, the production cost of the product 5 years ago is not the same as today’s cost. Although this is reflected in the price hike up to a point, hidden hike methods can also be preferred in order not to create a bad perception against customers.

Is the hidden raise made in our country?

secret raise ketchup

Although we have started to hear about the hidden hike more frequently lately, it is very It is a method that has been used around the world for many years. Of course, we encounter this situation very often in our country. In the past weeks, we have announced to you the fine of a ketchup brand upon the detection of 10 grams of ketchup less than what it says on the package. These and other hidden price increases can constitute a crime if they are not stated on the packaging.

We answered the frequently asked questions about the hidden raise. So what do you guys think about the hidden raise? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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