What Happens If You Change Gears Without Depressing the Clutch?

In manual transmission vehicles, we use the clutch pedal to change gears. Is it possible to change gears without using this pedal? Let’s explain.

If you have driven a manual transmission car before, you should know that there are 3 pedals under your foot and the leftmost one of these pedals. clutch pedal you know it is. Is this pedal, which allows you to change gears in a healthy way by separating the gearbox and the engine, among the indispensable parts of the vehicle?

First, let’s answer our own question right away. A car with a manual transmission must have a clutch. If not, it would cause you a lot of trouble. The real question we have to ask here is this. Can we shift a car without pressing the clutch? Let’s give the short answer: Yes. In the long answer, we will explain how this happens and what consequences it may have.

It is possible to change gears without using the clutch. So how?

First of all, clutchless shifting probably won’t be something you would prefer in daily use. More clutch cable broke cases may be preferred. Apart from that, racers can shift gears without pressing the clutch to save time.

In fact, when we look at it in theory, when everything happens perfectly, driving without a clutch is not bad, on the contrary. prolongs the life of parts such as pressure-pads. However The transaction is too risky If it is not done correctly, there is a possibility that it will break the transmission.

How can I change gears without using the clutch?

You can both raise and lower the gear without depressing the clutch pedal. To do this, first be on the move needs. The trick here is; zero torque transfer between engine and transmission. So let’s see how it is.


How Do Manual Gear Cars Without Clutch Pedals Work? Yes, There Is Such A Thing…

  • By pressing the accelerator pedal of your vehicle, increase it to 3500 – 4000 rpm (This speed may differ according to the vehicle).
  • Take your foot off the gas when the speed of the vehicle is sufficient.
  • When you release the accelerator pedal, your vehicle’s engine rotation speed and the transmission will be at equal speeds for a short time.
  • At this point, shift your vehicle’s gear. It will be a little harder than usual, but you can shift into gear without putting too much pressure.
  • If you can’t shift gear at this point, you’ve missed the equal rotation speed. Do not damage the vehicle by force.
  • You can also do the same for downshifting. For this, instead of going up to 3500 – 4000 rpm, you should switch between 1500 – 2000 rpm. The trick here is to do the same thing after pressing and releasing the accelerator pedal a bit before fully shifting.

Clutchless shifting is definitely not recommended unless you have “no other choice”.

We explained how you can change gears without needing the clutch. Although it sounds so easy not as easy as expected i have to say. Moreover, even in the slightest mistake, you can dismantle the vehicle’s transmission system. Experiencing something like this will cost you thousands of TL. It will also put your life at risk in traffic. For this reason, we recommend that you do not use this method “unless you have no other choice”.


What is the indispensable clutch of vehicles, what is it used for, how should we use it on slopes?

Today we explained to you how you can change gears without depressing the clutch pedal. If you want more content like this, you can write to us in the comments section.

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