What Do These Ironing Board-Like Things On Buses Do?

It is possible that these objects, whose usefulness is not fully known by some, are even used for leaning. However, these things actually serve a very important purpose.

Most of the time in public transportation vehicles in Turkey packed like sardines we have to travel. Even traveling in this way during peak hours is a luxury because it is not even possible to get on the vehicles.

That’s why this object actually does not always fulfill its function. However, for individuals in wheelchairs, the front of them should be left empty, but what is possible!

This object is designed to stabilize the wheelchair.

on a safety belt are also available.

It is passed through the back of the chair, enabling the disabled person to travel more safely.

bus ironing board

Therefore, when a wheelchair user gets on the bus, You must not occupy your front.

Municipal buses also have different features for disabled individuals. One of these is the buses that can be tilted down:

For people who have trouble climbing the steps These buses have been used since the 1970s, designed to make it easier to take out baby carriages or strollers.

Platforms opened from the doors of the buses allow wheelchairs and baby carriages to enter comfortably.

public transport disabled

Most of the time up to two wheelchairs or strollers are allowed.

Apart from these possibilities, there is also the Braille alphabet used by the visually impaired in the “Stop buttons”.

stop button

Buses for disabled people only It also provides service at certain hours.

Although it is frequently occupied by healthy people, elevators are also of great importance for the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women and people with babies.

disabled elevator

The sections reserved for the disabled are actually not perfect.

bus disabled area

Now power chairs It is also used frequently, but there is often no charging support in the disabled area on buses.

Buses or other public transportation vehicles have features that provide convenience for the disabled, but it is not possible to say this for stops.

yellow relief

Some stops do not have yellow reliefs on the ground to show the boundaries. Individuals in wheelchairs at stops because there is no shelter They can get wet in the rain. In addition, the disabled can be in a difficult situation as there are frequent mismatches between the stops and the ramp of the bus.

On buses for the visually impaired your voice commands must also be found. It is available in vehicles such as metro, tram, but unfortunately most of the buses are not.


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visually impaired individual Yakup Gencturkhelped us with this. We thank him very much for his contribution.

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