What Do The R, C, and TM Symbols on Brands and Logos Mean?

You must have noticed the R, C and TM (®, ©, ™) symbols on the products we use in our daily life or on the logos of many brands. Have you ever thought about what these texts mean?

Each of these expressions has a different meaning and some commercial rights are protected symbolizes. TM and Rwhile mostly used for products, goods or commercial services; C are included in the products that can be considered as works.

Now these expressions what does it mean and let’s take a closer look at what rights brands protect.

The R mark indicates that the brand is registered

The R mark (®) is actually the mark of that brand. registration process means done. For the commercial law term ‘registration’, we can say that a property distinguishes it from its counterparts and is legally protected.

The letter R has its meaning in English. ‘registered’ It derives from the first letter of the word (registered). The registration herein is valid internationally.

TM means that the trademark has not been registered yet, but is under protection.

starbucks logo

denoted by TM (™) ‘Trade Mark’ indicates that the trademark has applied for registration. Even if the registration process is not completed yet, it means that the trademark is protected until it is completed. After the registration process is completed, the R symbol mentioned above is also added to the logo.


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C is used for artifacts

wwf logo

from others more different The C (©) symbol, on the other hand, is used for products or services considered as works. It takes its meaning from the word ‘Copyright’. The use of this sign in our language can be called ‘Copyright symbol’. Copyright is the legal rights that prevent the copying of all things that can be considered as works (information, works of art, etc.).


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