What do the public think about the minimum wage being 4,250 TL?

The minimum wage, which will be valid in 2022, was announced by President Erdoğan as 4.250 TL. So what does social media think about the increase in the minimum wage?

The minimum wage, which all of Turkey is eagerly awaiting for 2022, has been announced today. In recent months, prices of all products and services have been increased by at least 50%, while the inflation rate of TURKSTAT has been announced as 21.31%, the net minimum wage has been increased by 51,78% from 2,800 TL to 4,250 TL for 2022.

The increase in the minimum wage has been criticized by many people in different ways or welcomed positively. We brought together both the reactions of economists and the reactions of the public on the minimum wage increase. Let’s take a look at what social media says about the minimum wage that will be valid in 2022:


What do economists say when the minimum wage is 4,250 TL?

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So what does the ordinary citizen think about the increase in the minimum wage?

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