One of the most inconspicuous details of our own body are our nails. However, sometimes situations different from normal nails catch our eye. One of these is vertical protrusions. Have you ever asked the question why longitudinal lines appear on your nails?
Structural You can also think of these lines as normal, but sometimes they can be a sign of certain diseases.
In order to take care of your nails and health, when should you consult a doctor in such a situation? how to fix It’s important you know.
What are longitudinal nail lines?
You may have observed lines running longitudinally on the surface of your nails, from the beginning to the tip of the nail. These lines are generally considered part of the natural structure of the nail and Most of the time it is harmless. But sometimes, these lines are caused by nutritional deficiencies, aging It may be a symptom of the process or serious medical conditions.
Possible causes of lines on nails
These lines usually appear and become more noticeable as we age. The reason is the skin under the nail bed. thinning of tissues over time is shown as .
iron deficiency anemia Nutritional deficiencies such as can also cause stripes on the nails. Considering that iron is critical for the healthy growth of nails, you can see this deficiency in your nails.
Insufficient water consumption can cause nails to become more brittle, which can also create lines. Speaking of water, it also helps your nails last a very long time. exposure to water This causes the natural oil structure to disappear and your nails to dry out.
All these causes are generally harmless effects. However, some diseases can also create lines on your nails. thyroid disease, eczema, psoriasis, Autoimmune diseases, lichen planus, mucosal cyst and peripheral vascular diseases are some of them.
What are the methods to reduce lines on nails?
- Moisturize your nails regularly.
- Take a break from procedures such as artificial nails.
- Air your nails.
- Keep your nails clean.
- Do not bite or tear your nails.
- Eat healthy.
- Use reliable nail hardening products.
When to see a doctor?
If the lines on your nails are very visible or there are other changes in the nail structure (such as color change, breakage) If you observe: you may need to consult a healthcare professional. Additionally, if a general health drop is added to these lines, you can go before it’s too late.
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