According to scientists, standing up peeing, which is perfectly normal and makes life easier and even makes you think that water is saved, causes some wrong conditioning in the brain.
While it may sound very sickening, peeing in the shower is something that most people do today but constantly deny. Peeing in the shower instead of the toilet is pretty common all over the world, after all, being completely naked and peeing in a place where clean water is constantly flowing It may not seem like a bad thing at first, but scientists who are experts in this field state that peeing in the shower is an extremely harmful habit beyond hygiene.
Of course, we should not ignore the hygiene part of the job. Especially after doing this if you don’t clean your legs and the bathroom, We can say that the problem is much bigger than it seems. Let’s take a look at why peeing in the shower is harmful for both hygiene and the human brain.
Our urine is not as innocent as we think
Until today, you have heard many rumors that the urine is hygienic and even does not contain any bacteria or microbes. Mistake recommending pouring urine on an open wound Even people have definitely come across you once or twice.
Perceptions of urine as clean or hygienic stemmed from the large number of tests performed on urine. However, with the advancement of technology and the greater scope of urine tests, some microbiomes in the bladder, when you have a urinary tract infection it turns out that it passes into the urine and therefore the urine is far from hygienic.
Peeing in the shower sends false signals to our brain.
Pelvic rehabilitation doctor Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas shared her experiences on this subject with her followers on TikTok. According to Alicia, people (especially women) Two important reasons for not peeing in the shower exists.
The first of these concerns not only women but also men. “conditioning the brain to pee in the shower” NSabout. Alicia said that peeing in the shower, where the water is constantly flowing, conditions the brain, even if you don’t have a toilet later on. As soon as you hear the sound of water, the urge to pee will come. states.
Alicia uses the following expressions in the video she shared; “If you constantly pee in the shower, with the faucet on, or in a place where you hear the sound of water, you’re associating your brain with the sound of water and peeing. This behavior may even cause you to suffocate in the future.”
The second reason is more about peeing standing up. As you know, there is no such thing as standing up peeing in women’s nature, it is not for men to pee standing up. it will cause prostate especially after a certain age is stated. Read more about this topic here access by clicking.
Stating that people should urinate in a sitting position for their pelvic health, Dr. Alicia, if people urinate standing up that their pelvic floor cannot fully relax and therefore the bladder cannot be emptied well.
Urinating when the bladder is not full can lead to other problems in the future.
Sabrina Baxter, another physiotherapist who expressed her views on this issue, emphasizes that people should be careful about their urination habits. baxter, when the bladder is not full interprets urination as a wrong move.
Addressing his followers on TikTok just like Alicia, Baxter uses the following expressions; “If you’re leaving the house thinking, ‘I don’t need to urinate, but let me do it now, even though it’s on the way’, your bladder will never fill properly. Because of your underfilled bladder, you make your body more responsive to work, and that’s why you feel the urge to go to the toilet at the slightest urine buildup.”
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
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