What came out of the surprise box that BMW sent?

Attracting attention with the electric car and the fully color-changing electric car it introduced at CES 2023, BMW sent a surprise box to the SDN office. So what came out of this box?

What came out of the surprise box that BMW sent?


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BMW, the pioneer of electromobility, offers a dedicated community for all-electric BMW enthusiasts. Pioneers of Electricity; The impressive range of electric cars and the increasing prevalence of fast charging stations make electric driving and charging more comfortable, flexible and attractive than ever before. Pioneers of Electricity also enjoy electric driving with special privileges offered to them.

The welcome package for BMW electric car owners is made of completely recyclable materials that do not harm the environment. In the welcome package; There is a common charging station guide showing the map of charging stations in Turkey, 100 seeds are thrown into the nature for you in cooperation with Ecording, a climate-friendly road guide prepared with the contributions of Yuvam Dünya, an additional discount privilege and a seed card from Solarçatı, which allows you to generate electricity with solar energy. You can also have a delicious coffee while your car is charging with the Starbucks card with a balance loaded as a gift.

Pioneers of Electricity have the opportunity to rent BMW cars at Enterprise with a 40% discount. To take advantage of this privilege, you can click the button below and enter the code sent to you via e-mail in the promotional code field on the relevant page. Moreover, you can use this code again and again to take advantage of the same advantage.

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