What awaits us at the WWDC22 event?

Apple has announced the date of this year’s WWDC event. With software developer Ufuk Köşker WWDC22 We talked about what awaits us at the event.

What awaits us at the WWDC22 event?

We continue to present you with different content on the Magic Apple YouTube channel. In this video, we talked about what to expect at the WWDC22 event. If you wish, let’s not extend the word any longer and leave you alone with our video.


Click here to step into app development for the Apple ecosystem

The annual WWDC event is of great importance for software developers for the Apple ecosystem. Working to increase the user experience and offer a better ecosystem to developers, Apple has announced WWDC22. 6-10 June will be held between

Apple also organizes competitions at its WWDC events. Developers can showcase their skills by participating in the Swift Student Challenge. Before you send a project to the WWDC event, you need to prepare an acceptance letter in which you explain how you shared the information you learned.

How to apply for WWDC22?

After you create your Swift Playgrounds app project, you will encounter some questions that you need to answer. Once you upload the required documents, your application will be completed.

  • To qualify for the challenge, you must:
    • You must be over the age of 13 in the United States and the equivalent minimum age in other countries (for example, age 16 in the European Union).
    • As an Apple developer, you must sign up for free with Apple or join the Apple Developer Program.
  • You must meet one of the following requirements:
    • Studying at an accredited academic institution
    • Be enrolled in a STEM organization’s educational curriculum
    • Enrolling in an Apple Developer Academy
    • Graduated from a high school or equivalent in the last 6 months or have already been accepted to an accredited academic institution
  • Note: The Challenge is designed for developers who care about their software development skills. You can receive up to four Swift Student Challenge awards or WWDC Scholarships.

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