What awaits the Crypto Market in 2022? Here are 13 Notable Predictions of Market Experts

Events in the crypto space are moving very fast. Next year is expected to continue at a similar pace as big businesses exit their home ground with blockchain and many easy entry points are created for newcomers to enter the market.

Consider what happened in 2021: El Salvador adopted the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin as its national currency. Retail investors stepped in. China has stopped crypto mining. Facebook has entered the metaverse.

Digital currencies are now on their way to becoming a part of mainstream finance. As the US approves the first Bitcoin futures ETF, regulators are trying to provide clearer rules for the $3 trillion industry.

These developments, which emerged when the pandemic began, created a storm of excitement among investors. At this point, it is a question of what developments will take place in the coming days. Industry experts have also revealed to Insider their predictions of what’s next for crypto.

Top 13 predictions for the crypto industry in 2022:

one. Ethereum’s price will rise much faster than Bitcoin due to the transition to Proof of Stake.Tom Higgins, CEO of wealth management platform Gold-i.

2nd. Bitcoin could gain an edge over stocks in 2022.Mike McGlone, chief crypto analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence.

3. A Fortune 500 crypto company implementing the remote-first strategy will declare their official headquarters to be in one of the competing metaverses.Brandon Arvanaghi, CEO of crypto startup Meow.

4. Metaverse will be the new interface for people to interact with the web and each other.Justin Banon, co-founder of the decentralized network Boson Protocol.

5. Expect a war between the crypto-based metaverse and those initiated by gaming and corporate entities like Meta. — President of the Bitcoin Foundation Brock Pierce.

6. Crypto aggregate market cap will rise from a peak of $3 trillion in 2021 to over $7.5 trillion at some point in 2022.Rohit Talwar, CEO of forecasting and research business Fast Future.

7. Next year will see the world’s first billion-dollar hack as DeFi activity continues to rise. — Cross-chain protocol on DeFi who oversees regulatory affairs at Qredo Benjamin Whitby.

8. By the end of 2022, at least 25 countries will be using a central bank digital currency. One that is either owned by them or exported by another country, such as China’s digital yuan.from Fast Future talwar.

9. Investors will use bots to make purchases during NFT minting events, which could potentially disable less knowledgeable users. – Economist at blockchain data platform Chainalysis Ethan McMahon.

10. Most people will partially run their day-to-day business in the metaverse.Shane Molidor, chief revenue officer of digital asset finance platform AscendEx.

11th. Banks will search crypto for fraudulent trends.Chris StephensHead of fraud and security analytics at the Callsign identification platform.

12. Initial Game Offerings (IGO) will become popular. Expect larger organizations like GameStop and Epic to start gaming at some point in 2022.Nick Saponaro, co-founder and CEO of the decentralized payments ecosystem Divi Project.

13. If countries take a hostile stance, adoption will be much slower.Witek Radomski, the co-founder and CTO of blockchain platform Enjin.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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