What are the recommendations for saving money?

Anyone can want to save money in line with their plans. As a matter of fact, there are simple methods to facilitate this situation, which is quite difficult in this economy. These methods can be exemplified by simple steps such as canceling subscriptions that we do not use, selling items that we do not use. In this article, we talked about how we can save our money more efficiently with these steps.

Everyone from the age of 7 to 70 has a saving money period has been. There are many tricks that we all skip and forget while saving money. In order to save the most money as soon as possible, we should pay attention to these tricks. We can give examples such as canceling our gym membership that we go to 4 times in 3 months. In cases such as canceling subscriptions we do not use, buying things we do not need, our money is wasted.

We are aware that it is difficult to protect your money when even the basic needs have increased so much. Because a normal We are in a period where house rent is equal to the minimum wage. But in this article, how those who want to throw something aside without saying a little more can save money more efficiently, money saving methods we talked about.

11 fast and efficient ways to save money:

  • Personal finance management applications
  • Cancel subscriptions you don’t use
  • Calculate your daily, weekly and monthly expenses and plan your expenses.
  • Bargain where you can
  • The importance of using a controlled credit card
  • Get rid of useless and unused items
  • Learn the power of the word ‘no’
  • Pack your food (Eat at home)
  • Follow the discounts
  • Apply the 24-hour rule for unnecessary and sudden expenses
  • Most importantly, set a goal.

Personal finance management applications

Although such applications are not used much, it can be observed that they are quite useful when looked at. With these apps you can easily income-expense tracking It allows you to keep track of your expenses. your credit card debtsYou can collect your rent payments, invoices and various expenses in one place through such applications and plan your budget.

We also leave a few financial management applications for you below;

Cancel subscriptions you don’t use

netflix spotify hbo

Some of us buy a 1-month Netflix subscription to watch a TV show they love and can waste months without canceling after watching it. While this may not seem like it, it is a common occurrence. If you also pay monthly Spotify, Netflix, Blutv If you are not using applications such as, cancel immediately. If you don’t use it, one of the biggest enemies of saving money is that kind of subscriptions We can say it is.

Calculate your daily, weekly and monthly expenses and plan your expenses.


Being planned, It is very important in this regard as it is in everything else. You need to learn how to manage your money. This is only planned expenses can be achieved by doing At the same time, there is a system that is found in almost every mobile banking application that many people do not know. with this system Together, you set a spending threshold for yourself, and when you exceed this threshold, you receive various warnings. If you have difficulty in controlling yourself, we recommend that you try this system.

If you do this planning, how much will you spend on your arbitrary spending? budget Keep what you can save, you can calculate how much money you will save at the end of the month.

Bargain where you can

while bargaining

Bargain, It is known as a situation that works almost all over the world. Unless it’s an official store, you can buy products at a much more affordable price if you bargain with your purchases.

In our country too the importance of bargaining plays a major role in trade. These bargains are made in almost every commercial area and a scenario emerges that mostly the consumer is also satisfied. Bargain Creativity also plays an important role. Of course, it’s up to you to use it.

The importance of using a controlled credit card

credit card

Yes, with credit cards It may seem like it is easier to buy most things nowadays. However, this situation can cause us to get complacent and miss the point. As a result, we are facing the end of the month. unexpected amounts it may appear. The best we can do in this situation is to use our credit cards more carefully and when necessary.

Get rid of useless and unused items

used clothing

Old items that we don’t use yet. 2nd hand sell as both us from the area saving It can also make us have a large amount of cash in our hands. Due to the fact that second-hand shopping sites are used a lot nowadays, it can be much easier to sell something than we think.

In addition, when purchasing a product, 2nd hand Buying a clean one can be better than buying a brand new one. With enough research, we can find almost zero products for half the price. Such purchases can save us a lot in the long run.

Learn the power of the word ‘no’

but not always No I mean, it can come in handy most of the time. If you are in the period of saving money, you can tell your friends that you cannot go out with them every day. From this situation to be ashamed No need, we can all stay in such situations. You can avoid this by offering your friends better, cheaper, or free activities. Unfortunately Even going out and having fun with our friends in our country can be quite expensive.

Pack your food or eat at home

Continually eat outOne of the last things a person who wants to save money should do. You can save big by spending less than half the price on meals you make at home. It should also be emphasized that this situation is physically healthier. food you make at home by packing You can consume it in your workplaces or schools.

Follow the discounts

Discounted products Buying is actually the basis of saving. It is always more profitable to wait and buy for products that you know will definitely decrease in price. It is very important to follow the label prices. Why the same product more give you money. If you are not saving money You can follow the discount periods for the products that you are certain will even be discounted.

Apply the 24-hour rule for unnecessary and sudden expenses

24 hour rule, It is a very effective rule, although not very common among people. What we need to do here is to test whether we really want to buy a product that we want to buy.

After we like a product, we don’t buy it right away, but wait 24 hours to consider whether we really need the product. In this way, too from regrets We are protected, and at the same time we buy a product that we think we really need. If you are not really in a hurry, this is the case when purchasing a product. tactic We recommend that you apply.

Most importantly, set a goal.

The last and most important step is a our goal to be. If we decide on the thing or things we will buy with the money we save, this is both a motivation for us to save money and we decide that we do not save money. This step is the most important step because even if you are an undisciplined individual, if you have a goal, that goal is for you. saving money It is a great source of motivation.


The rich say, “No Money Is Spent On This, Too!” Interesting Tastes You Can Say

Increasing dollar ratehiked products, inflation… Saving money in these days when we are struggling economically on all sides dream it may seem like. However, these difficulties can be combated, albeit partially, with the right tactics of saving and managing money. In this article, we talked about these methods. If it is special for you while saving money If you have a method you use, you can share it with us in the comments.

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