What are the History, Importance and Results of the Battle of Talas?

In the late 7th century, the rivalry between the Turks and the Chinese in Central Asia intensified. On the other hand, the Arabs had become stronger and advanced towards the region. The Battle of Talas took place in the 8th century when the Turks asked for support from the Arabs. This war is extremely important for both Islamic and Turkish history.

During the period when the Gokturk State began to disintegrate, an endless competition began between Turkish tribes. In addition to this competition between Turkish tribes, the Chinese threat had increased more than ever and, moreover, the Chinese had become directly involved in the internal affairs of the Turks. Even if the Turgish gain power again The fact that the Karluks were together with the Chinese caused the balance of power to change frequently.

On the other side was a rising Arab state. At that time, it was just beginning The Abbasids were advancing towards the Central Asian steppes. When the Turks asked for help from the Arabs, the Chinese and the Arabs came face to face and fought the Battle of Talas. Although this war, in which the Chinese were defeated, was short-lived, it is extremely important for both the Islamic world and the Turkish world.

Let’s look at the situation in Central Asia before the Battle of Talas:

Traditionally, in Turks, the state is governed as two parts: west and east. The Tang Dynasty, which took over the Chinese state in the second half of the 7th century, He annexed the western part of the Göktürk State to himself. II. The eastern part of the state, also known as the Gokturk State, was still standing. On the other hand, the Turgish people, the Turkish tribe living in the west, were also very powerful.

II. Kapgan Khagan, the leader of the Gokturk State, included the Turgish people under his control and He foiled the Chinese plans to capture West Turkestan. In the first quarter of the 8th century, the Karluks, another Turkish tribe, declared their loyalty to the Chinese. While the competition between Turkish tribes continued, the Chinese were constantly confusing the situation. On the other hand, the Arabs became stronger and began to advance towards Central Asia.

On the other hand, the Abbasid period had begun:


After the reign of four caliphs, the Islamic world was ruled by the Umayyads for many years. As a result of the events that took place in the following years In 750, the Abbasids took over the Islamic State. The Abbasids turned their attention to Central Asia because they continued to follow the expansionist policy followed by the Umayyads.

From the first years of the 8th century, there were frequent wars between Turks and Arabs. Some of these wars were won by Arabs and some by Turks. However, as Chinese pressure increased more than ever, the Turks began to develop the idea of ​​uniting with the Arabs instead of fighting them. Finally it was time to ask for help.

Turks ask for help from Arabs:

II. The Gokturk State and the Turgish people were in a dispersed structure, on the verge of collapse. The situation of the Karluks working with the Chinese was good. However, there were concerns about the establishment of a new Turkish state. Bagatur Tudun, appointed by the Chinese as Shi Guo Tudunu, was killed just because of this fear.

After Bagatur Tudun was killed, his son saved his life. He wanted revenge, but he was in disarray. The Turks did not have the strength to fight such a war. Thereupon, he asked for help from surrounding states. It was the Abbasids who responded to this call for help. Finally, the Chinese and the Arabs came face to face.

The Battle of Talas lasted quite a short time:

talas war

In July 751 In the Atlah region near the Talas Plain The troops of the Chinese commander Gao Xianzhi and the Abbasid commander Ziyad b. Salih’s troops faced each other. The war lasted only five days and ended in the defeat of the Chinese. The reason why the Chinese lost was that on the last day of the war, the Karluks crossed to the other side and left them between two fires.

According to some sources, half of the Chinese army of 100 thousand people was killed and 25 thousand people were taken prisoner. After this defeat, the Chinese plans in West Turkestan were shelved. The Karluks became stronger in a short time and established their own state in 766. Conflicts with Arabs gave way to friendship.

Okay, but why is the Battle of Talas important?

If we examine it in world history, the Battle of Talas is a small and short-lasting battle. However It is possible to say that it started a new era for both the Islamic world and Turkish history. As the first and most important result, a friendship began between Turks and Arabs and the Turks were introduced to Islam.

Thanks to the captured Chinese, the Arabs were introduced to paper produced from flax and hemp. In addition to paper, gunpowder and the compass used by the Chinese were also learned by the Arabs. All these innovations paved the way for the Arabs to develop their civilization in the following centuries. These inventions were brought to Europe with the Crusades.

Did Turks becoming Muslims start with the Battle of Talas?

The Turks

Until the Battle of Talas, Turks and Arabs were enemies, and therefore religion was seen as the enemy’s religion. There was not much warmth towards Islam either. Thanks to the friendly relations that started between the two nations after the war, Turks were introduced to Islam. Historically, it is possible to say that the first period when Turks started to become Muslims was after the Battle of Talas.

Of course, thousands of years of traditions did not change overnight and Turks did not become Muslims in one day. However, with the developments over the years, Islam began to spread among the Turks. In other words, the Battle of Talas is extremely important for both the Turkish world and Islamic history.

The first event in which Turks met Arabs and Islam We talked about the history, importance and results of the Battle of Talas. It is unknown what would have happened if the Battle of Talas had not happened, but it is certain that the world would not be as it is today.

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