What are the Driving License Classes? Which Driving License Uses Which Vehicle?

The first thing to apply for driving is a driving license course. “So, how do we know which license we will get according to the vehicle we will drive and what the driving license classes are?” If you are asking these questions to yourself, you are in the right place, because we will soon explain which license uses which vehicle.

A driver’s license is a document that serves as a form of identification, giving the authority to manage motorized or non-motorized vehicles on the highway. Moreover, there is not a single class for every vehicle. Different for the vehicles you want to drive driving license classes there is. This is why it is important to know the driving license classes and get your driver’s license accordingly. To clear your confusion “Which license uses which vehicle?” Let’s answer the question.

So how many? driving license class there is? We don’t want to intimidate you if you have no driving experience or if you are just starting out, but there are exactly 17 different driving license classes. Of course, the requirements for obtaining a driver’s license vary depending on this class. If you are a driver candidate, you need to be informed about this. So which class of driver’s license should you get? Let’s see together.

Driving license classes what areWhich class uses which tools?

Driver’s licenseWhile it allows you to use vehicles such as cars, buses, tractors and motorcycles, it can also be accepted as your identity. There are 17 different driver’s license classes for each vehicle, with different driving techniques, certain conditions and allowing you to use different vehicles. Let’s take a closer look at what these are.

  • Class A (Motorcycle)
  • Class B (Automobiles and commercial vehicles)
  • Class C (Heavy commercial vehicles)
  • Class D (Bus and minibus)
  • F and G class (Construction machines and tractors)

Class A: Motorcycle

  • Vehicles used with a class A driving license: They can ride motorcycles 125 cc and below, limited to 11 kW power and 0.1 kW/kg power/weight ratio.

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast, the driver’s license you need to get is It is a class A driver’s license. This driver’s license group, which was divided into two classes before January 1, 2016, was divided into four different types: A, A1, A2 and M, with the new regulation. A motorcycle license is valid for 10 years and must be renewed when it expires.

Motorcycles consist of various models with different powers and features. That’s why different licenses are given depending on the motorcycle power. A1 driving licenseIncludes motorcycles with an engine displacement of up to 125 cc and 14 horsepower. Drivers with an A2 license can ride motorcycles with a maximum engine volume of 600 cc. Class A driving license, which is the highest license degree, is required for motorcycles over 600 cc and 48 horsepower.

Class B: Automobiles and commercial vehicles

  • Vehicles used with a class B driving license: Pickup trucks, mopeds (M class), rubber-tired tractors (F class), agricultural vehicles that can carry trailers, provided that they are not for commercial purposes, 4-wheeled motorcycles (B1 class)

Class B driving licenseis the most commonly used type of driver’s license and is often required for automobile use. People with a class B driver’s license can drive a pickup truck as well as a car. In addition, they have permission to drive class B, B1, M, D1 and F vehicles. These vehicles can be listed as cars, four-wheeled motorcycles, tractors and combined vehicles with a maximum loaded weight of 4250 kilograms.

The most widely owned in our country Class B driving licensehas a wide range of vehicles.

Class C: Heavy commercial vehicles


  • Vehicles used with a class C driving license: Motorcycle, tractor, automobile, tractor, pickup truck

Larger vehicles such as trucks and trailers The driver’s license required to use it is class C. You may also have heard of it commonly as a “truck licence”. Class C driver’s license holders can also drive vehicles belonging to classes M, B, B1 and F. Its validity period is 5 years and it must be renewed when this period expires.

Class C driving license There is a higher age requirement to obtain a driver’s license than other classes. Those who want to obtain a C and CE class driver’s license must be over 21 years old. For C1 and C1E driver’s licenses, it is sufficient to be over 18 years old.

Class D: Buses and minibuses

  • Vehicles used with a class D driving license: Bus, minibus, automobile, tractor, motorcycle, pickup truck

The type of driver’s license that those who want to drive buses and minibuses must obtain, Class D driving license. This driver’s license is not only valid for buses; Also valid for minibuses. However, while minibus drivers can obtain a D1 license, bus drivers must obtain a D class. Just like class C, this is valid for 5 years.

Get a class D driving license There are certain conditions for . One of these is to first have a class B driving license. There is also a stricter age limit for class D than other driver’s licenses. If you want to get a class D driving license, you must be 24 years old, not 18.

Class F and G: Construction equipment and tractors

forklift driver's license

  • Vehicles used with F and G class driving license:Tractors and agricultural machinery, excavators, loaders, forklifts and other industrial machinery

Class F driving licenseIt is required for those who want to use vehicles such as tractors and work machines used for special purposes such as agriculture and forestry.

G class driving license It is mostly required for those who want to use certain industrial vehicles such as work machines and special purpose vehicles. Both license classes require certain abilities and skills and require drivers to complete certain training and meet certain requirements.

Driving license renewal While issues like these occupy people’s minds, the main issue should not be overlooked. It is equally important to know the driving license classes and which vehicle to drive.

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