What are the differences between ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4?

One day we woke up and artificial intelligence called ChatGPT was added to our lives. Thanks to him, a lot has changed since then. First meeting with ChatGPT 3.5 and then the arrival of ChatGPT 4 brought some questions to mind? What are the differences between ChatGPT 3.5 and 4, is it worth paying for ChatGPT 4?

Those who use both know the answer to the question of whether it is worth it or not, but considering that the dollar is not very low, 20 US dollars per month It can be questioned whether this model will be given or not.

Especially if you use ChatGPT for your business or if you think it makes your life much easier, you can make your decision with the comparative examples we will give. In that case Duel of ChatGBPT 3.5 and 4 Let it begin.

First, let’s give an introduction about both versions.

Among artificial intelligence-based language models ChatGPT 3.5, was seen as a big step. Trained on a large dataset, it also demonstrated impressive performance in understanding and answering everyday conversations, texts, and user queries.

But ChatGPT 4 took this step even further. The new version includes even more expanded data sets and advanced algorithms had it. This increases its capacity to understand more complex language structures and provide more accurate answers.

Differences between ChatGPT 3.4 and ChatGPT 4:

  • Differences between parameters:
  • Differences in daily language use
  • ChatGPT 3.5 is limited in its application areas.
  • ChatGPT 4 stands out with its ability to create images.
  • There is a reality called artificial intelligence hallucination.
  • In terms of currentness, ChatGPT 3.5 lags behind.
  • ChatGPT 4 can push the boundaries of creativity.
  • In our opinion, should ChatGPT 4 be purchased?

Differences between parameters:

chatgpt parameters

While GPT 3.5 had limited capabilities, GPT 4 has made significant improvements.. 4 multi-modal modelsOne of the main differences between ,and 3.5 is the number of parameters.

ChatGPT 3.5 has 175 billion, ChatGPT 4 has approximately 1 trillion parameters It is said to be. This actually shows the structure that contains the information the model obtains from the training data. In other words, the higher the number of parameters, the more calculation capabilities are provided and complex tasks can be performed.

Differences in daily language use

ChatGPT 3.5 does not provide as successful answers as we thought in daily language use. However, ChatGPT 4 surpasses the other version in this regard. Irony, sense of humor and is very sensitive in distinguishing emotional intonations.

When a user says something in a humorous tone, ChatGPT 4 can better perceive this situation and respond with a similar tone. Not only that, and more understanding complex topics and it is also very good at maintaining context in long-term dialogues. This advanced understanding of context also answers users’ more complex and detailed questions and allows them to remember relationships between previous messages.

ChatGPT 3.5 is limited in its application areas.

chatgpt 4 applications and plugins

Versions; It varies in a wide range of applications, from education to business, from art to daily life. ChatGPT 3.5; in students’ homeworkan effective aid for writers in content production and business professionals in data analysis.

ChatGPT 4 can go further in these areas and offer more complex and creative solutions. For example, it can help a student solve math problems in more detail or expand on an author’s story ideas in more creative ways. Also in business from logo drawing articles suitable for market research and SEO videos suitable for social media It can be used more effectively in many areas, from preparation to preparation.

ChatGPT 4 stands out with its ability to create images.

Creating visuals with chatgpt

If you want to create an image with artificial intelligence, you cannot do this with ChatGPT 3.5. However, if version 4 is Dall-e It also helps with visual needs. You can create images similar to your sample photo, or you can get the image you want with successful results by entering the necessary prompters.

There is a reality called artificial intelligence hallucination.

AI hallucination

Don’t be fooled by the answers you get when you ask GPT 3.5 something. Because sometimes he writes so confidently that you almost believe it. This is also called artificial intelligence language “AI hallucination” It is said.

This may also be the case in GPT 4, but according to technical reports, the new version The error rate is less compared to the other model.

In terms of currentness, ChatGPT 3.5 lags behind.

How up to date is chatgpt?

When you ask a current question to either version, you will encounter the above answer from ChatGPT 3.5. However, ChatGPT 4 also provides you with up-to-date information. of 3.5 From being trained with information until late 2021 Therefore, it remains limited to events after that date.

However, as you have seen, 4 not only provides you with up-to-date information but also comments on the subject. However, as always with this type of information, checkshould be one of the priority tasks.

ChatGPT 4 can push the boundaries of creativity.

Is it possible to pay for chatgpt 4?

When it comes to creativity, many of us can sometimes get stuck. Artificial intelligence has been on our side in this regard lately. Whether you ask him for a title suggestion or just write a poem, GPT 4 is still above 3.5 in this regard. You can see the difference in the image. While the one on the left is a poem written by 3.5came from the pen of the 4 on the right.

GPT 3.5 may not give you satisfactory answers with its limited words. But 4, “Oh, how did I not think of this?” You may come across suggestions that will make you say. Especially creative texts, presentations, Those who want visuals and more should also consider this difference between the versions.

In our opinion, should ChatGPT 4 be purchased?

chatgpt 4 fee

When you look at the result, ChatGPT 4, “smarter” It is considered. You can also see this difference as the difference between talking to a 5-year-old and a 26-year-old college student. 3.5 Sometimes, even though he knows a lot, he may apply it incorrectly or He may say irrational things.

Although 4 is not perfect, he understands some things quite well and speaks much more logically. Made-up or illogical answers are less likely and can express himself better.

If you do not need extra features, are not looking for a lot of accuracy, and only need answers that do not go much beyond a draft, you can use ChatGPT 3.5. However, especially if you are going to use artificial intelligence for your business and this will be your cornerstone. It will be worth your money, You will even extract more.

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