What are Minecraft Cheats, How to Enter Cheat Codes?

Minecraft offers two different worlds with its creative mode and survival mode. You can use Minecraft cheats to get away with in these two different game modes. We also answered the questions of how to enter all cheat codes and what are they.

Apart from the survival mode, Minecraft also allows you to push your imagination to the fullest with its creative mode. You can also get help from Minecraft cheat codes while pushing your creativity. Allows you to change the setting you want in single player mode. Minecraft cheats, it also makes the game easier for you. In order to use cheats, you must first activate them.

Minecraft cheats on PC You need to activate the cheat usage before it can be used. In this context, we can say that the steps you need to do are very simple. Let’s first take a look at the process of unlocking Minecraft cheats, and then let’s see the cheat codes that will work for you.

How to enter minecraft cheats?

  • Step #1: Run the game and wait at the login screen,
  • Step #2: Press the “T” key on the login screen,
  • Step #3: Type /gamemod 1 on the screen that opens,
  • Step #4: Enter the game and start typing the cheat codes.

As we mentioned above, you must first activate the cheat codes, which are also called admin codes, in order to run them. After the game starts in the creative mode, you can open the console and write all the cheat codes that we will transfer shortly. There may be cheat codes that do not work in incoming updates or version changes. Minecraft cheats 1.8 Valid for and above.

How to enter minecraft cheats

Minecraft cheats updated list:

Minecraft admin codes:

  • Switches to creative mode: /gamemod 1
  • Switches to survival mode: /gamemod survival
  • Shows cheats: /help and /help2
  • You can OP someone: /op name
  • You can undo OP: /deop name
  • You can throw one: /kick name
  • You can ban someone: /ban name
  • You can remove the ban: /sorry name
  • All mobs die: /kill all mobs
  • You can teleport to someone: /tp name
  • You can gain XP: /XP 5000
  • Shuts down the server: /stop

Minecraft admin codes you install more than cheat in single player mode It allows you to take control. You can use these commands if you are playing together with your friend over LAN or in a different way. If you want to turn off the server you have installed, as above /stop It will suffice to write Now let’s move on to the commands you can use as cheats.

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Changing time, changing weather and environmental codes:

  • Adds 5 to the clock: /TIME SET
  • Adds 5 hours to the clock: /TIME ADD
  • Freezes time: /gamerule doDaylightCycle false
  • The downpour makes it rain: /TOGGLEDOWNFALL
  • Stops the rain: TOGGLE DOWNFALL OFF
  • Adjusts the clarity of water: /clearwater
  • Grows all trees and plants: /grow
  • Plants grow instantly: /instantplant
  • Changes the weather: /weather (lightning, thunder, or rain)

Cheat codes that affect the environment actually allow you to determine things that are completely related to your taste. You can even decide whether the weather will be sunny or rainy. Except this between day and night You can switch with just one code or decide the fate of the monsters around you. They are among the must-have Minecraft cheats for creative mode.

disable minecraft cheats

Changing the difficulty level:

  • Sets the difficulty level: /difficulty (peaceful, easy, normal)

If you want to try yourself in different difficulty levels, you can use this command. normal, easy and peaceful You can play levels. Although this is the basic code that determines the difficulty level in the game, you can also adjust the difficulty in the game with other cheat codes. To use this trick, we first type the command, then type the difficulty level we want and press the Enter key.

minecraft kill monsters

Destroying monsters, reviving:

  • Kills certain monsters. /kill [canavartürü]
  • Kills nearby monsters: /killnpc [all, animal, or monster]
  • Freezes monsters: /freeze
  • Monsters cannot damage you: /mobdamage
  • A monster you damage dies instantly: /instantkill
  • Monsters get confused: /confuse
  • Sends the beast to the specified location: /ride

With these codes, the ones that appear in creative mode or survival mode and never leave you. monsters and animals you can manage. You can also make them completely harmless with cheat codes or remove them completely. Especially those who want to push the limits of their imagination will need these codes to send monsters near them.

minecraft cheats pc

Gain experience, damage reduction and healing:

  • Adds the specified amount of experience: /xp amount
  • Gives information about your character: /biome
  • Replaces incoming water damage: /waterdamage
  • Changes character speed: /setspeed amount
  • Adds platform below: /platform
  • You’ll have longer legs: /longerlegs
  • If you navigate to the pointer: /jump
  • You fly at the specified speed: /fly speed
  • Suicide: /kill
  • Reduces your fall damage: /falldamage
  • Reduces flaming damage: /firedamage
  • Reduces damage: /damage
  • Restores the specified amount of health: /health
  • You will heal by the amount you specify: /heal
  • You are teleported to the platform above your current location: /ascend
  • Turn fall damage off and on: /falldamage on/off

These are cheat codes that can save you many times in survival mode, although they won’t work for you in creative mode. In addition to reducing all the damage you can take, falls, burns, and water damage You can also edit the damage on different subjects such as Apart from this, you also have the chance to add experience to yourself. If your health drops a certain amount, you can upgrade it with these codes.

minecraft item cheats

Giving, destroying and adjusting items:

  • Doubles item holding: /duplicate
  • Items stay on you after death: /keepitems and /gamerule keepInventory true
  • Makes items indefinitely: /infiniteitems
  • Destroys item: /destroy
  • Moves all items to a chest: /dropstore
  • Disassembles items: /superheat
  • Give item: /give itemcode itemsnumber
  • Don’t give items to someone else: /give playername itemcode item_num
  • Delete item: /clear name item_code

Minecraft cheats Perhaps the most important codes among them are the codes for giving or adjusting items. Because these codes are very useful in both survival mode and creative mode. Especially in survival mode Sometimes you can’t find the items you need. At this point, you can make small loopholes with these codes. Apart from that, you can also store your belongings in a chest.

To turn off Minecraft cheats, all you really need to do is undo the commands you typed. Almost every code has a counter command. You can use the same commands to go back after changing or editing a setting. Even though we don’t use it much, you can evasive with such auxiliary commands for convenience in the game.

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