Whales Are Stocking Up From This Little-Known Altcoin Project!

As metaverse-focused altcoin projects are becoming more and more mainstream, crypto whales are devouring a lesser-known gaming project. Here is the latest stockpile of whales, according to WhaleStats data…

Here are the little-known altcoin stocks

According to whale detective WhaleStats, Gala Games (GALA) accounts for about 1% of total assets ($519.5 million) among the top 1000 Ethereum (ETH) whale wallets. By comparison, popular games Axie Infinity (AXS), Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND) make up much smaller divisions than GALA.

  • MANA accounts for 0.29% of whales’ wallets worth $171.9 million.
  • SAND stands at 0.24%, valued at $141.4 million.

WhaleStats doesn’t have up-to-date data on AXS, but a recent tweet says it’s the third most popular search term on the site. The lowest value token mentioned in the chart below is 0.07% worth $40 million.

GALA is an Ethereum-based win-to-play altcoin project that went up in value after being listed on Coinbase in November. Blockchain-based gaming protocol allows users to own in-game items in the form of NFTs, allowing them to take part in the development of a game. cryptocoin.com WhaleStats, whose data we share as GALA, is among the top 10 wallets followed by GALA. The average number of tokens held exceeds 1 million and is worth $519,591.

At the time of writing, GALA is down nearly 7% to $0.45. Like most crypto markets, it has slumped over the past few weeks after hitting a monthly high of $0.74 on November 24. The Axie Infinity also dropped slightly to $94. Decentraland was down 6.89% to $3.09 and The Sandbox was down 5.93% to $4.89.

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