Whales Are Buying From These 10 Altcoin Projects On The Fall!

The biggest Ethereum whales under WhaleStats watch are busy sweeping Polygon (MATIC) and 2 DeFi altcoin projects as the cryptocurrency market shows strong signs of recovery. Let’s take a look at the whales’ last bite and the 10 altcoins looted in the fall.

Fourth-largest ETH whale buys million-dollar Aave

The top 1,000 ETH whales have purchased an average of $12,766 worth of MATIC tokens in the last 24 hours, according to the latest WhaleStats data. The largest MATIC transaction of any note was made by the second largest Ethereum whale, which bought 2,000,000 MATICs worth $5.02 million as the token ATH retraced from $2.92. Another altcoin project that major wallets accumulated during the withdrawal process was the DeFi-focused altcoin project Aave (AAVE). WhaleStats reports that whales purchased an average of $10,627 worth of AAVEs in the same period. The largest purchase was recently recorded by Light, the fourth largest Ethereum whale, with 19,949 Aave worth $5.55 million.

Whales evaluate these altcoin projects in decline

cryptocoin.com WhaleStats, whose data we share as WhaleStats, reveals that in the same time period, whales were loaded into Sushi (SUSHI) with a purchase amount of $4,140. Looking at the top ten most bought altcoins of the past days, the leading smart contract platform ETH tops the list with an average purchase amount of $289,590. Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) rank second and third. Woo Network (WOO) is in seventh place, followed by Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC). Metaverse tokens Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND) round out the list.

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