Whale With SAND and ETH In Its Basket Bought From This Altcoin!

Two big Ethereum whales with SAND in their basket bought 2 million MATIC in the last 24 hours. Two whales from the top 1,000 list investing in ETH as the largest asset in their portfolio have each added one million MATICs to their crypto holdings. Detail cryptocoin.com‘in.

SAND and ETH are also in the basket

Data recently shared by WhaleStats shows that a day ago, two Ethereum whales among the “top 1000” each purchased 1 million Polygon (MATIC) tokens. One of the whales is named “Saitama” and the other is unknown. Whales in the top 1,000 lists are in stock of Polygon tokens. According to data provided by the service, which tracks the portfolios and crypto transactions of the top 1000 Ethereum holders, the 263rd ranked crypto whale “Saitama” has purchased 999,999 MATIC tokens worth $2,519,997.

The other purchase was made by an “unknown” wallet with a total of $35,221,310 in ERC-20 tokens on its balance sheet. Whale bought 1,000,000 MATIC for $2,570,000. In this whale’s wallet, SAND is the largest token by USD value outside of Ethereum.

Earlier this month, whales on the top 1,000 ETH holders list were also reported to have purchased large volumes of Polygon tokens: 1,899,990 and 1,007,525 MATIC, respectively. MATIC network activity appears to be increasing. The other day, Santiment analytics data vendor released a report stating that address activity on the Polygon network continues to grow. This was when MATIC hit an all-time high of $2,411 in early December. The number of active addresses on the network has risen to over 15,500, on Dec. 26, MATIC updated its historic price peak to $2,875. At the time of writing, the token is down almost 14% and is trading at $2,475.

Review: 5 Metaverses Based on MATIC

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