Whale Sells Millions of Dollars of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Altcoins!

The cryptocurrency whale made millions of dollars in profit in 9 months thanks to his investment in 3 cryptocurrencies.

Reported by on-chain analysis platform Lookonchain to data According to what a cryptocurrency whale did 9 months ago Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) And Curve (CRV) He made millions with his investment.

The wallet, which made its transaction on March 18, is worth $ 3 million. 109 BTC And $4.23 million worth 2,326 ETH syour horse had taken it. After many months, the wallet took action on December 29th and transferred its Bitcoins. from $42,405 by selling $1.6 million made a profit. In addition, their Ethereum from $2,344 earn money by selling 1 million dollars He added more.

However, via Curve Finance $12.2 million worth 18.3 million CRV pulling whale of these beings 762 thousand dollars He sold his portion for an average of $0.68. Still in the whale’s wallet $11.4 million worth CRV.

Whale’s sales $11 billion option One of the striking points was that it was realized in parallel with the expiry of its maturity date. In Bitcoin and Ethereum 29 December 11.00 CEST as of $7.7 billion Bitcoin And $3.5 billion Ethereum The option has expired.

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