Whale Received Incredible Amount From This Meme Coin Project!

On-chain watchdog WhaleStats reports that a mysterious meme coin whale has purchased 8,108,189,881,576 units of Shiba Inu (SHIB) worth $290 million. Could this mysterious whale be the Robinhood exchange? Let’s take a look at the possibilities…

Breast coin whale buys $290 million at bottom price

WhaleStats reported a new $290 million acquisition of SHIB. The analytics firm, which audits the top 1,000 Ethereum wallets, shares the transactions and their claims as follows:

Wow! Wow! The new SHIB whale is born!!! It amounts to 89,8,108.1 881,576 SHIB ($290,244,320). Welcome to ShibArmy, RobinhoodApp, is that you?

This balance exceeds the individual investor

Active buying among the whale community could be signals that major wallets are expecting a price increase in the meme coin, according to analysts. So does the Robinhood exchange carry a Shiba Inu bag? A mysterious and unidentified Shiba Inu whale has purchased 8.1 trillion Shiba Inu cryptocurrencies worth $290 million. The huge buying volume indicates that the individual investor will not buy such large volumes. $290 million is a huge amount and it could just be an exchange platform or a commercial organization.

Also, cryptocoin.com As we reported, several Ethereum whales gathered around the Shiba Inu recently bought millions of dollars of SHIB. However, despite the heavy purchases from the bottom, the price of meme coin could not be separated from the market in general. At the time of writing, SHIB is trading at $0.00003534, down 4.29% daily and 18.25% weekly. It ranks 13th with a market cap of $19.4 billion, right after the second largest meme coin project Avalanche.

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