Whale Made 17,000x Profit With This Altcoin! Now Sells!

A prominent whale known as Dimethyltryptamine.eth has sold a significant portion of its altcoin PEPE holdings. The recent sale has raised questions about the whale’s motives and its potential impact on the PEPE market. Here are the details….

Sell ​​alert on popular altcoin project

According to data from Etherscan, Dimethyltryptamine.eth has sold 279,000 billion PEPE tokens for 149.4 Ethereum (ETH), equivalent to about $180 billion. The sale has many observers wondering about the whale’s strategy and what it could mean for the future of PEPE. Notably, Dimethyltryptamine.eth first purchased PEPE tokens during the coin’s launch in April of this year. At that time, they purchased 0.125 trillion PEPE tokens for just 251 ETH, equivalent to about $5.9 trillion. Since then, the whale has made multiple sales, selling a total of 3.3 trillion PEPE tokens for 2,411 ETH, or about $4.5 million. This impressive profit represents a staggering 17,000x increase from their initial investment.

Despite significant sales, Dimethyltryptamine.eth still holds 2.07 trillion PEPE tokens in their wallets, worth around $3.24 million at current PEPE prices. It is not yet clear whether the whale will continue to hold or divest its remaining assets; this could have an impact on the future performance of PEPE. The impact of these sales on the price and sentiment surrounding PEPE has been remarkable. Even though the meme coin has strong liquidity, the recent sell-off has brought a bearish bias to the market. At the time of this writing, PEPE is trading at a discount of 1.2% and each token is priced at $0.000001552 on the spot market. Also, trading volume has dropped 8.52% in the last 24 hours, further illustrating the prevailing bearish trend.

What does this mean?

While some investors were skeptical of Dimethyltryptamine.eth’s role in the meme coin community and the large allocation it received early on, its business activities have caught the attention of potential traders. The significant profits made by this whale and PEPE’s early backers have attracted the attention of retail traders who see meme coins as a potentially lucrative investment opportunity.

Overall, the recent wave of sales initiated by Dimethyltryptamine.eth has fueled speculation and created mixed feelings within the crypto community. While Whale’s actions have undoubtedly had a significant impact on the PEPE market, we will see how these developments shape the future trajectory of the meme coin and its investor community.

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