Whale Guessed! Here are 9 Altcoins You Should Watch

Whales’ altcoin predictions keep coming. Next up are nine recommended altcoins to watch. Let’s look at the details.

Altcoin Litecoin may have peaked

A widely followed crypto strategist believes that Litecoin’s (LTC) pre-halving rally may already have peaked. Analyst Kaleo calls his 593,200 Twitter followers. Accordingly, he says the peer-to-peer payments network may be reflecting price action in the second half of 2021, when it rose above 187% to kick off a bear market of just a few months.

According to the analyst, Litecoin entered a downtrend as LTC bulls failed to sustain the momentum above $110. According to Kaleo, there is a clear rejection in the resistance. The pullback is incredibly similar to what we saw at the end of 2021. Accordingly, this showed new lows. Kaleo also looks at LTC’s performance before its halving event in 2019. According to the analyst, the previous halving marked the start of a downtrend for LTC.

Key area for Ethereum and LINK

Ethereum price moves with the latest developments. Accordingly, it continues to struggle just under $1900. Also, some altcoins fail to show a big move. Therefore, it cannot attract liquidity. This has caused the price to linger around a lower support, reducing the chances of a bullish turn.

Altcoin Sherpa, a popular analyst, believes that until Chainlink (LINK) and Polkadot (DOT) do not move, there is no point in jumping. Chainlink has been trading within a predefined range for over a year. It therefore lost the analyst’s attention. This hindered the progress of the rally. Therefore, the analyst is of the opinion that the price must break out of the range to trigger a decent uptrend.

DOT under the influence of decline

The analyst also talks about Polkadot (DOT). Accordingly, he believes that the price may be under the bearish effect as the volume has dropped from the peak. There is an area with a lot of volume/trade, according to the analyst. He also states that the decline from the peak took a long time. Regarding the recovery, the analyst has no idea.

Altcoin Sherpa underlines that the market is still in a bearish trend. On the other hand, he underlines that the decline in Polkadot is parallel to the market.

Altcoinbuzz emphasizes buy for 5 Altcoins

On the other hand, Altcoinbuzz offers a selection of altcoins that should be watched carefully. It is worth noting that the presented altcoins are important projects. They have the potential to increase significantly during a rally period. On the other hand, it was also among the recommendations that their projects should be followed.

3 Altcoins That Will Explode

cryptocoin.com As we mentioned, the 5 altcoins that Altcoinbuzz says need to be followed are Altcoin MNW (Morpheus Network), AKT (Akash Network), altcoin LQTY (Liquity), RDNT (Radiant Protocol) and Maverick Protocol. The analyst states that there will be a double-digit rise for this altcoin group.

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