Weekly Chart and Levels for BTC, DOGE, ETH and XRP! -57 – Cryptokoin.com

Cryptocurrency market LUNA, CEL, FTX and BlockFi crisis recorded serious losses. Troubled crypto companies continue to shut down and lay off workers. The downtrend, which started with the LUNA collapse and then continued with the bankruptcy of the FTX exchange, also put the prices under pressure. In the current environment, Bitcoin and altcoins are struggling to gain momentum. Bitcoin is above $17,000 at the time of writing and it seems far from breaking $20,000. So, in the current market environment, will the Bitcoin price now rise above 25-30 thousand dollars again? this is the most fundamental question in the minds of investors… How will the market behave in general this week, will the downtrend continue and what awaits us?

What is next in BTC and popular altcoins, what levels can be seen and monitored is now a matter of curiosity… Famous analyst Mehmet Çoban, cryptocoin.com commented on Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE) prices and charts for its readers. In the video above, you will find weekly charts for BTC, ETH, XRP and DOGE, support and resistance levels, historical points to watch carefully and information that will contribute to your investment decisions. Technical analysis and chart reading are an investment method used by many professionals and analysts. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully watch our weekly analysis video. We wish you a good time…

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