Web3 Domain Name Service Provider Domain Expired: Sole Authority Jailed

The domain of the eth.link address, which provides an important data storage and monitoring service in the Ethereum Name Services (ENS) network, has expired and cannot be interfered with by the jailed authority.

Control of the eth.link website that provides Web3 domain service ENS DAO It is known to be about to be lost by the (decentralized autonomous organization) community. When you want to access this site, which has an important place in terms of Web3 service provider service, in these days. that the domain of the site has expired and deactivated draws attention.

Former Ethereum foundation employee who is the founder of the website in question and has sole authority over the domain name Virgil Griffith’from cyber crimes 63 months in prison The ENS DAO community is in danger of losing one of its most important domains. Griffith’s domain name as long as he’s in jail. it is not possible to process known.

GoDaddy The expiration date of this address registered on the domain provider 26 Julyended in . According to a statement from GoDaddy, the public sale of this domain name, which is important for community members, September 5 will take place in history and it is almost like a “first come first served“There seems to be confusion.

ENS DAO has been using this site for checking and validating all Ethereum Name Services domains, and after this unexpected situation, it is not known who will be the new user who will get the eth.link address, complicating things. If the domain name can be bought by the DAO everything can continue to work as before, but if the domain name passes to a malicious user there may be a blockage by this person or the possibility of being put up for sale for very high sums.

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