Web 3.0 Move From This Altcoin: Price Climbs!

Solana (SOL) can perform transactions in less time and cost-effectively than its competitors. The Blockchain network, which can process 65,000 transactions per second, has quickly adapted to the NFT industry, hosting a number of successful projects such as Aurory and SolPunks. Solana Ventures, the investment arm of Solana LABS, the team behind the altcoin project, announced that it will invest $150 million in the Web 3.0 space with Griffin Gaming Partners and Forte. Solana (SOL) price also climbed independently of the market with this news. Here are the details…

150 million dollars will be invested in the Web 3.0 field

Developing economic technologies for video games using blockchain, Forte company recently announced its partnership with Solana Ventures and Griffin Gaming on its Twitter account:

We are honored to partner with Solana and Griffin Gaming Partners in continuing to define and build a more equitable and sustainable ecosystem for developers, gamers and fans.

Companies allocate $150 million to the Web 3.0 move. cryptocoin.com As we reported, Solana Ventures will be the second largest investment in the Solana ecosystem, the last partnership of the 3 companies, after the $ 100 million fund jointly conducted with FTX and Lightspeed in November 2021. Thus, gaming and Web 3.0 investments of one of the investing companies, Griffin Gaming, exceeds 400 million dollars. Solana price reacted positively to this move of Griffin, one of the world’s leading game and technology companies. Here are the price movements…

Solana price diverged from the market decline!

Solana (SOL) price started climbing 10% to coincide with the announcement. SOL price is trading at $163.01, up 2.48% in the last 24 hours despite the overall market decline.

This Altcoin Climbs With Web 3.0 Move!

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