Web 3.0 Coins to Explode in July Announced! Here is the List

The term “Web 3.0” refers to the upcoming decentralized internet era. This revolution; It includes emerging technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, crypto money, artificial intelligence. The mentioned technologies will be at the forefront in the new state of the internet. However, the number of altcoin projects emerging for the development of Web 3.0 is increasing day by day. So what are these Web 3.0 coins and which ones are worth watching?

Web 3.0 coins to explode in July

Web3 puts data control over the user, unlike traditional internet businesses that use your information for their own purposes. In Web3, transactions take place directly between two or more parties. Thus, it increases the privacy, autonomy and control of user data. Web 3.0 coins create various services such as CPU power, network bandwidth, disk storage, authentication and general hosting. In this article, you can find out about these altcoins to watch out for in July. cryptocoin.com we have prepared for you.

4. Steem

As a community-driven project, Steem offers network members a quick way to monetize. Accordingly, customers have the chance to earn money thanks to the protocol. In addition, the money they earn is directly proportional to their contribution to the network. In fact, users get access to an online curated platform through Steem. On this platform, they can publish content and receive payments via STEEM coins. The protocol works as a Blockchain database that allows users to interact and benefit from each other. It uses social networking and cryptocurrency technologies to benefit people. STEEM coin, which draws attention among the Web 3.0 coins; It is traded on Binance, MEXC, Huobi Global, Gate.io and Upbit. Altcoin’s 24-hour trading volume is around $5.7 million.

Web 3.0 Coins Steem

3. iExec (RLC)

iExec provides blockchain-based and decentralized computing power to its users. It also hosts a marketplace where users can charge fees for their computing power, programs, and even datasets. So iExec allows application providers and data providers to monetize. Network; stands out with its support for applications in industries such as big data, healthcare, artificial intelligence, processing and fintech. Additionally, the project offers scalable, secure and easy access to servers, datasets and computing resources for dApps. RLC, which occupies a good place among Web 3.0 coins, has a 24-hour trading volume of $22.18 million. However, crypto money; It is listed on Binance, Bitget, KuCoin, Crypto.com, and Huobi Global.

2. Conflux (CFX)

Conflux aims to break the boundaries between creators, communities and markets. It is essentially a high-throughput layer-1 Blockchain. This high efficiency owes to the new generation Three-Graph consensus mechanism. Thanks to Three-Graph, the network works very quickly and inexpensively. Conflux connects ecosystems in decentralized finance (DeFi). Additionally, it stands out as the only regulatory-compliant, public and permissionless blockchain platform in China, which is known for its anti-crypto nature. At the time of writing, the 24-hour trading volume of CFX coin was around $2.58 million. However, the notable project among Web 3.0 coins was traded on Binance, OKX, MEXC, BingX and DigiFinex.

1. Flux (FLUX)

Flux offers a decentralized, highly scalable cloud infrastructure through Blockchain technology. With the project, users create, maintain and deploy their applications on multiple servers at the same time. Thus, Flux provides a very good infrastructure for new technologies such as dApps and Web 3.0. Being self-funded, community-driven, and open-source also makes the project stand out among Web 3.0 coins. At the time of writing, FLUX coin had a 24-hour trading volume of around $5.12 million. However, it was for sale on crypto exchanges such as Binance, Bitget, MEXC, AAX and BingX.

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