We toured Dubai with technology editors!

As the ShiftDelete.Net team, we continue to participate in technology events. Finally TCLheld a very important launch in Dubai. Hakkı Alkan, founder of ShiftDelete.Net also went to this event and examined TCL’s latest technological products on site. In the meantime, he did not neglect to travel with technology editors in Dubai.

Dubai vLog with tech editors

Hakkı Alkan met with many technology editors from Turkey at the TCL launch he attended in Dubai. Eren İmdat, Levent Pekcan and also former Arsenal football player in Dubai during the video Robert Pires We encountered names such as


You can watch TCL’s new products and the entertaining vLog full of Dubai at the link above.

TCL has introduced new Google TV models that will cover the whole wall!

TCL has introduced new Google TV models that will cover the whole wall!

TCL introduced the new Mini LED and QLED Google TV models, which will also come to Turkey, at the event it held in Dubai today. Here are the details…

Explaining that it is in the 2nd place in the TV market in the world and TCL, which offers its televisions for sale through Bilkom, aims to expand its product family with new Google TV models. He states that as of June, he will bring Mini LED and QLED TV models from 50 inches to 98 inches in Turkey.

In addition, let’s say that these TVs are optimized for gaming, thus attracting the attention of console users.

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