We Parked Our Money In These 4 Altcoin Projects!

Cryptocurrencies were on the alert as the Fed began its two-day meeting. Bitcoin has remained below the psychologically important $50,000 and well below its November highs of close to $70,000. In this case, investors are turning to altcoin projects. So, what’s in the portfolios of expert names? cryptocoin.com We review as…

Experts draw attention to these altcoin projects

CNBC’s “Trading Nation” asked investors how they were positioning their portfolios to best enter the crypto space towards 2022. “I’d be buying right now,” said Mark Tepper, president of Strategic Wealth Partners, on Tuesday. Tepper states that he invests 10 percent of his assets in crypto, so he wouldn’t be upset if he lost, but would be happy if it went up 10x. Tepper stated that he allocated 50 percent of his cryptocurrency position to Ethereum, 40 percent to Bitcoin and 10 percent to Polkadot, and used the following statements:

Right now 100 percent of my new money going into crypto goes to Polkadot. Not many people have heard of it. The founder of the Polkadot platform was also the co-founder of Ethereum… He basically took Ethereum’s technology and made it better. So that’s where my money goes right now.

Todd Gordon, founder of Inside Edge Capital Management, says the recent weakness in cryptocurrencies is likely due to a technology sale and less liquidity in the system. Like Tepper, Gordon is optimistic in this area and states that his portfolio consists of 56 percent Bitcoin, 35 percent Ethereum, 5 percent Solana and 3 percent Cardano. Gordon uses the following expressions and talks about adding more to his ETH investments in the future:

Maybe if you want to find a good way to look at the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin – it’s an old currency trick – you look at the cross rates, you look at Ethereum and Bitcoin, you subtract the dollar from it.

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