We Listed the Cheapest Electric Cars Sold in Turkey

Fuel prices, which have risen so much in Turkey recently, have been stabilized by the Presidential Decree. Citizens who do not want to buy fuel at such high prices have turned to electric models. Here are the most affordable fully electric cars you can buy in Turkey.

In one of our content that we shared with you in the morning, there is a news that is closely related to vehicle owners. President’s Decisionfrom we talked about. According to this decision, even if there is a foreign exchange-based discount on fuel for a while, it will not be reflected in the pump. Because SCT, which has been reduced to 0 percent thanks to the Eşel Mobil System, is again April 2, 2020It will rise up to the rate of . In other words, owners of fossil fuel vehicles will buy gasoline or diesel at today’s fuel prices for a long time.

New regulation, car owners to brood over has started. Because the dollar exchange rate, which has been flying recently, has affected fuel prices very hard. As of now, the price of gasoline is over 11.50 TL in many parts of Turkey. The situation in diesel and LPG is not very encouraging. As such, citizens How much are electric vehicle prices? They began to wonder about the answers to questions such as: So which are the most affordable fully electric vehicles in Turkey? Let’s all together look at the electric cars sold in Turkey and the prices of these vehicles. let’s take a look.

The most affordable electric cars sold in Turkey

  • Renault Twizy
  • Renault Zoe
  • Smart Fortwo
  • Hyundai KONA Electric
  • BMW i3
  • Mini Cooper SE
  • Honda E

Renault Twizy

Renault Twizy

Renault Twizy, which you can buy as new in Turkey most affordable electric car. The vehicle, which has a price tag of 400 thousand TL at the beginning of December, will be able to experience a currency discount in a few days and be purchased at more affordable prices. Thanks to Twizy, which is also widely available on second-hand sites. 200 thousand TL It is also possible to reach around. By the way; The vehicle, which has a compact structure for two people, 100 kilometers range Don’t forget to offer. In other words, this vehicle is more suitable for city use.

Renault Zoe

Renault Zoe

Renault Zoe is one of the cheapest electric cars you can buy in Turkey. 400 kilometers The zero of the vehicle with a range (WLTP) of around 540 thousand TL was around. Renault, which has updated its price list, will now sell this vehicle at an even more affordable price. When we look at the second-hand market of the vehicle 330 thousand TL It is very possible to buy Zoe for such prices.

Smart Fortwo

Smart Fortwo

Smart’s Fortwo model, brought to Turkey via Mercedes-Benz, 160 kilometers It offers approx. Zero model prices of the vehicle, which is a 3-door vehicle removed Even if you want to reach the second hand of this vehicle, you have to sacrifice 400 thousand TL.

Hyundai KONA Electric

Hyundai KONA Electric

Hyundai KONA is a model that can be used not only in the city, but also in intercity trips. Because this vehicle 484 km range exists. The second hand of Hyundai KONA Electric, which you can reach for 705 thousand TL, is very few and the prices are higher than zero. It seems that KONA Electric owners, they did not reflect the exchange rate difference for now.

BMW i3

BMW i3

Although the BMW i3 has a price of over 1 million TL per zero kilometer, there is a different situation in the second hand. The vehicle, which offers a range of 325 kilometers and BMW quality in all its lines, 460 thousand TL available at prices as well.

Mini Cooper SE

Mini Cooper SE

car enthusiasts Mini CooperHe already knows very well. This tool has been on the market for years and is very popular. The Mini Cooper SE combines traditional design with electricity. zero 817 thousand 177 TL Mini Cooper SE can be found on second-hand ad sites with prices starting from 660 thousand TL.

Honda E

Honda E

Honda’s popular all-electric model E arrives in Turkey not officially logged in. However, some auto galleries have imported this vehicle from abroad. If you want to own this electric motor vehicle with a range of 220 kilometers, 900 thousand TLYou need to review the . There are no second-hand models of the vehicle yet.


360 Thousand TL Discount in One Night: Prices of Some New Cars Decreased After the Fall of the Dollar

Of course, the electric motor vehicle models sold in Turkey are not limited to these. For example, BMW has a fully electric motor other than the i3. 3-4 more models It is sold in Turkey. On the other hand, there are also fully electric models of automobile brands such as Mercedes, Jaguar, Tesla and Porsche. However, these tools Reaching under 1.5 million TL not quite possible…

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