We Disclose The Shortest Lasting Technological Products

Today we asked you a question about the technological products you use from our Twitter account. We wanted you to share the technological products that last the least and are left in your hands in a few days. You disclosed, we compiled. Let’s remember these ‘dumb’ products together.

Except for Nokia 3310 and Casio calculators Every technological product has a useful life. Some of them can be used for years without additional attention, while others fail before the installment ends, despite all the interventions. This can sometimes be true even if you buy from the prettiest brand.

We asked a question about exactly this on Twitter today. We asked you to reveal to you the technology product that lasted the shortest time to date. Of course, many people talked about ‘fake’ products. However tech giant Interesting cases emerged from many brands that we describe as

Products that break down in your hands in a few uses:

The biggest complaint from you, wired and wireless headphones was against. While some complained about the headphones of brand A, others told about their memories of fake headphones. While smartphones are just getting popular, some phones were not mentioned. Let’s start the disclosure of technological products that disappoint our followers without further ado.

Even Beats has a life…

lousy products

lousy products

lousy products

Let scientists leave everything and make a charging cable that lasts for 1 year.

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lousy products

Buying a phone with student allowance?

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lousy products

lousy products

The cuteness filter on Snapchat

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Turkey’s AirPods

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Why You Shouldn’t Wear False, Replica Shoes

Wristbands sold as “Look if you’re going to fall when you push”

lousy products

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