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DaVinci Jeremie, host of Davincij15 on YouTube, bought a Bitcoin for 67 cents in March 2011. Now, more than a decade later, with Bitcoin trading around $16,500, Jeremie says he continues to hold his Bitcoin because it’s a “monetary system that governments can’t stop.” Jeremie also shares his BTC price predictions.

“People will turn to Bitcoin (BTC) to circumvent governments!”

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, the discussions on Bitcoin continue. Some argue it will be garbage, while others claim it is the future. According to DaVinci Jeremie, Bitcoin is a mind-blowing technology. “With Bitcoin, you can instantly transfer your wealth to anyone anywhere in the world without a third party,” says Jeremie. Also, Jeremie says these qualities of Bitcoin will become particularly evident as governments begin to introduce central bank digital currencies. In this context, he makes the following statement:

I think governments will create their own digital currencies. That way, by blocking what people are buying, they will tell them what they can and cannot buy. Therefore, they will make it impossible for them to trade.

Jeremie predicts that people will then use Bitcoin in day-to-day transactions to circumvent the government’s overreach. That’s why he suggests that people will turn to Bitcoin.

“Central Banking is a kind of slavery!”

According to DaVinci Jeremie, the current banking system is leading to ‘total slavery’. Part of Jeremie’s enthusiasm for Bitcoin comes from his disdain for the system. He makes the following statement on the subject:

Central banking is the worst form of slavery affecting all of humanity. If I can print money and you have to work for it, that makes you a slave.

He argues that central banks’ ability to make money available causes wealth to be redistributed to the elite. He makes the following arguments to justify this claim:

The ability to print money is bad. Because it takes wealth away from everyone else. Only criminals… want to be able to steal wealth from everyone. The best way to do this is to set up a bank.


Jeremie also says that our current financial system is causing inflation to erode people’s wealth. He explains his views as follows:

You can’t argue that money will save you until you save up and retire. Because it is possible for inflation to get out of control and destroy you. We need a monetary system that allows you to save X amount of money. That way you know you can survive.

Gold, silver and Bitcoin prices are manipulated!

DaVinci Jeremie claims gold and silver have been manipulated. He also says that the BTC price is also manipulated through derivatives markets and ETFs. He uses the following expressions for his claims:

Bitcoin is the only commodity you cannot receive on the commodity exchange. Still, it is the easiest commodity to deliver. If the bitcoin contract expires, all you’ll get is cash.


Jeremie also suggests that buy and sell orders can be placed on the exchange to move the price of Bitcoin in intraday trading. He explains it this way:

The other way they manipulate the price is with ETFs. People can buy what they think is Bitcoin in an ETF. However, this is not Bitcoin. With an ETF, you are only exposed to price risk.

Bitcoin price prediction: First 12k, then 100k

DaVinci Jeremie estimates a base of $12,000 for BTC. However, he says that Bitcoin will eventually recover and reach $100,000. He expresses his explanations as follows:

I think we’ll probably see $12,000 for BTC. It will take until 2024 for the crypto winter to really start to wane. Because, BTC halving will happen.

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