We Announced the Horse Video That Confused Social Media

The last thing that confused social media users was a horse walking in the snow. Users were divided on whether this horse was coming or going. We also explained the reason for this situation.

In the world social media We have witnessed many times that when users are given the chance to divide on any issue, they are divided into two: the famous dress, which is debated about whether it is golden and yellow and white or blue and black, whether the meneme should be with or without onions… Now, the new topic of discussion on social media is a horse walking in the snow. More precisely, “Is the horse coming or going?” the question is.

First, let’s share the video of the horse:

The video was first shared by a user named Alesia Willard. This person lives in Canada, Rudnik He noticed how dark his horse looked when walking on the snow and recorded it. After the video was shared, it attracted great attention and was watched by millions of people.

In his statement, Willard stated that for a while he could not understand which direction Rudnik was going. But after the horse went away He added that he noticed. The condition can be noticed when you look at its body carefully. Also, when we look at the pole, we can see that it is growing. This shows that the horse is approaching him, that is, going in the opposite direction.

So why can’t we decide the direction of this horse?

This is actually the case in many optical illusions. confusing us A situation. Since we cannot clearly see the structure of the horse, it is quite normal for us to have difficulty understanding whether it is coming or going. The glare due to heavy snow also makes it difficult to understand the direction of the horse.

As humans, our brains don’t do as good a job of perceiving depth as we think. In the video, while watching the horse’s movement, we cannot predict the direction of the horse since there is no reference point. Throw it away staying in backlightmaking it impossible for us to understand which way his face is facing.

There is such a thing as overhead viewing bias.

There’s a reason why people have different opinions, though. in 2010 In a published article, scientists say that such differences in our perception can occur when we look at a camera higher up, and that we can perceive directions differently depending on the point we focus on. In this case “Viewing bias from above” They name it.

If a different angle had been used, perhaps such a confusion would not have occurred, but in order for such an illusion to occur, this kind of angle It is necessary. As we change the angle, we can make different judgments as a result of the change in our perception. The famous illusion of a ballerina turning left and right on the internet is also an optical illusion designed with this logic. If we see the ballerina from above, we can clearly understand which leg is which.

While we want our brains not to be confused, scientific studies show that our brain itself is likely to be confused. carried out in 2014 According to a study, a part in the right lobe of our brain allows our perception of direction to change whenever we want. If you say, “Sometimes it seems like it’s coming, sometimes it seems like it’s going away”, you need to blame this part, not the horse left loose in the snow and winter.

Sources: Troje & Adams, Bernal, Guillen, Marquez

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