Watch Series: Sites to Watch Series for Free

If you want to watch TV series, type “Watch” on Google and get bored of watching TV series full of advertisements on anonymous sites, we are here with our list of sites where you can watch fully licensed free TV series. If you wish, let’s move on to our list of platforms that offer free series, where you can find most of the series that you have watched or wondered about before.

When you want to start a new series, you do not have to pay certain monthly fees to Netflix or similar paid platforms. mostly instead of platforms like Netflix, BluTV or Exxen sites to watch free series Thanks to this, you can enjoy the series in your spare time and do not have to pay any fees. Moreover, these sites are not anonymous sites, whose ownership is unknown. Sites where you can watch fully licensed corporate free series like Netflix or Exxen.

When you want to use today’s popular TV series and movie watching platforms, you have to pay a monthly fee of 50-60 TL. Otherwise, you cannot view and watch the content of the platform. If you are not someone who watches TV series or movies often, it will be more economical to choose sites where you can watch free series. We can say that these sites are very useful not only for our users who watch a little TV series, but also for our users who spend their whole day watching TV series. If you wish, without delay sites where you can watch free series lLet’s go to our will.

Sites where you can watch free series:

Opportunity to watch your favorite TV series again: PuhuTV

PuhuTVallows you to watch hundreds of content for free. PuhuTV, which has hundreds of domestic and foreign TV series and movies, also includes TV series that we loved to watch on TV before. For example, the very popular Judgment has just completed its series or its first season. Father You can watch the reruns of the series on PuhuTV.

PuhuTV produces content for children as well as adult content. For example, educational and educational for your child cartoons You can also find it on PuhuTV. In this way, while you enjoy the series on PuhuTV, your child can easily watch the cartoons offered by PuhuTV. PuhuTV also allows you to watch other series by compiling the content you will like according to the content you watch. You can sign up for free to the platform with dozens of content and features and start watching.

Free series, movies, documentaries and programs all in one: Gain


Founded in 2019 and popular with its different contents gain, along with its own special content, also includes popular TV series and movies. Although Gain is known for its popular documentaries and programs, it also includes very high quality and maybe you haven’t heard of TV series before. for example Cengiz Bozkurt, Engin Good Morning and Caglar Corumlu Famous and successful actors, such as Gain, are playing in the series in Gain.

Gain is a platform that you can choose not only for serials, but also for documentaries and programs. For example, the famous actor Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan visited the streets of Istanbul. Istanbul Account You can follow the documentary series. Gain allows you to watch most of the content it offers for free. For some content, you still need to purchase a monthly subscription.

Watching content in dozens of categories for free: Vimeo


vimeoJust like YouTube, it is a platform that allows everyone to produce content in different categories, and also includes TV series. There are hundreds of domestic and foreign series uploaded by users on the platform. Vimeo allows you to find a TV show you watched on TV years ago. Because there is so much content in it that it is possible to see the content you watched before.

Vimeo offers thousands of content in different categories. to register free By paying extra monthly fees, you can access different and quality content on this platform, and you can benefit from the features offered by Vimeo. But of course, you have the opportunity to watch the series without having to register.

The world’s largest video content platform: YouTube


Let’s come, the world’s most popular content viewing platform. YouTube‘a. Along with having every content you can think of, YouTube also offers the opportunity to watch TV series and movies. Turkish series If we look at it from the side, you can watch a TV series that was broadcast the previous evening on YouTube the next day. Popular producers attract a lot of attention by publishing the repetitions of the TV series they broadcast on YouTube. In addition, you have the opportunity to easily find a series published years ago on YouTube.

To give an example, a legend in Turkish TV series history. Kurtlar Vadisi You can find the first 97 episodes of the series on YouTube and watch them easily. Or you can see the trailer on the internet and find a TV show you like on YouTube. Although YouTube is a completely free platform, it only has the YouTube Premium package that covers features such as removing ads and downloading videos. But you can watch all the content available on YouTube without purchasing this package.

If you like documentary-like series: DMAX


If you like challenging documentaries, car productions, wilderness and more DMAX exactly for you. DMAX shares series that focus more on a single subject. For example, if you want to watch dozens of TV shows, including a documentary about historical sites, a documentary about car making and repairs, or a gold-finding documentary series, DMAX is for you.

DMAX to use free a platform. In other words, you do not need to pay any fee to watch the documentary series here. Immediately after you register, you can easily start watching the content that the platform offers you.

All FOX content in one: Fox Play

Fox Play

FOX, which has a lot of channels and concepts, Fox Play It contains hundreds of TV series and movies. However, this platform, which is completely free to watch, also allows you to watch the content you missed if you are a strict Fox TV watcher. This includes series, programs and movies, and not only that, you can also follow the live broadcast stream of Fox TV here.

Using FOX Play is completely free and you can enjoy its features without even having to register most of the time.

If you are someone who rarely watches TV series watch series You can choose free platforms with features. With today’s dollar rate, subscription prices in our country are updated almost every month. For example, Netflix’s basic plan is $37.99, and the highest plan is $77.99. However, if you are someone who watches few series or movies, you can not pay this fee. sites to watch free series You can also enjoy the series. Which platforms do you use to watch TV series or movies? Don’t forget to share it with us in the comments.

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