Watch Out For These 10 DeFi Altcoin Projects: They Made Giant Announcements!

A few interesting updates took place in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space last week. We’ve compiled some of the best DeFi altcoin updates from the past week to keep our readers informed.

DeFi altcoin updates of the week

1. LUNA Now on Planet Finance. Terra’s native token, LUNA, a public blockchain protocol known for its focus on bringing DeFi to the masses, is officially on Planet Finance.

2. EverRise Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds. Multi-chain DeFi security platform EverRise has announced details of a strategic partnership with Chainlink. According to the partnership, EverRise will have access to Chainlink’s reliable, secure and accurate price feeds.

3. HyperJump and Clover Finance Partnership. Phantom and BSC-based win-win and farm to earn DEX platform HyperJump have strategically partnered with Clover Finance.

4. OpenOcean Partnership with Platypus. Last week, DeFi and CeFi aggregator platform OpenOcean entered into a strategic partnership with Platypus. Platypus is an AVAX based AMM dapp. Therefore, the partnership will facilitate more stablecoin liquidity on Avalanche.

5. Polkamarkets Labs Launches Multi-Chain Market Protocol. On the other hand, Polkamarket Labs recently launched its multi-chain prediction market protocol. Also, the multi-chain instrument is a combination of both Moonriver and Moonbeam.

6. Moonbeam Now on Beefy Finance. Polkadot is the easiest launcher, Moonbeam is now part of the Beefy Finance ecosystem. Also, Moonbeam is popularly known as the powerful ETH compatible smart contract on Polkadot.

7. Lover Finance and OpenOcean Partnership. DeFi and CeFi aggregator platform OpenOcean have entered into a strategic partnership with Clover Finance. Therefore, the partnership will give OpneOcean access to the Clover multi-chain wallet.

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8. DAFI Protocol dBridge Launch. Programmable rewards platform DAFI protocol announced the strategic launch of dBridge. Therefore, the launch will facilitate the interoperability of DAFI tokens, where DAFI holders can move seamlessly between Ethereum and Binance Chain.

9. MP4 NFT Format Now on Coin98. Also, Coin98 brings a new touch to the NFT field by supporting NFT MP4 versions. This means users can now send, receive and store MP4 NFT versions on Coin98.

10. Algorand Bloktopia Joins Metaverse. Finally, new additions have been made to Bloktopia Metaverse. Therefore, this time, Proo-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain protocol Algorand has opened store in the Blocktopia metaverse.

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