Warning To Companies About Turkish Hackers From Microsoft

Microsoft recently shared new information about the vulnerability that affects giant companies and platforms, stating that the vulnerability is used by some government-backed groups. It was also claimed that state-sponsored groups in Turkey were among these groups.

One of the world’s largest technology companies Microsoft, gave an important warning about an application used in big technology companies the other day. The company actually made this warning for the first time three days ago, and Twitter, Minecraft, Apple and many other companies and applications. your safety is in danger had explained.

The vulnerability in question Apache Log4j It was in a Java-based logging tool called According to Microsoft’s statement, the vulnerability paved the way for remote code execution, bringing with it numerous dangers. Microsoft later updated the blog post in which it shared this vulnerability, adding ‘nation-state activity’ also added.

State-sponsored hackers take advantage of the vulnerability, including Turkish hackers

According to the new statement shared by Microsoft, the vulnerability identified as ‘Log4Shell’ State-sponsored hacker groups in China, Iran, North Korea, and Turkey allegedly used. The company stated that hackers are experimenting with the vulnerability, integrating into existing hacking tools, and “exploiting against targets to achieve their goals”. The company did not specify who the hackers were targeting.


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The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center and Microsoft 365 Defender team also found that multiple groups acting as access agents began to exploit the vulnerability to gain access to target networks. These access agents are then was selling access to people who wanted to gain access to networks. The vulnerability was exploited in both Linux and Windows systems.

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