Wait For These Levels For Bitcoin! – Cryptokoin.com

The leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC) has lost more than 60% of its value since the beginning of the year. Despite seeing this, billionaire businessman Jim Messina continues to rise in BTC. Also, Messina says that he is buying more Bitcoins.

$60,000 BTC bet on his Porsche!

Jim Messina, former White House Deputy Secretary General and CEO of Messina Group, expects Bitcoin to rise to $60,000. He even says he’s ready to bet on a Porsche car for it. Messina did an interview with Fox Business on Oct. In this interview, he states that crypto is one of the most exciting developments of this generation.

The Bitcoin maximalist notes that BTC continues to rise despite losing more than 60% of its value to date. In addition, he states that he is buying more Bitcoins. Messina adds that he can bet his Porsche that Bitcoin will bounce back from the $20,000 rally to $60,000.

However, Messina noted that for Bitcoin to emerge as a crypto winner, it would have to get rid of many of the “BS projects”.

Bitcoin maximalist makes big predictions for BTC

In August, BTC was trading at $24,000. On this date, Kraken CEO Jesse Powell said he expects to use 1 BTC to purchase a Buggati (about $1.9 million) by the end of 2022.

Also, Bloomberg Analyst Mike McGlone predicts it will reach $100,000 by 2025. cryptocoin.comThat’s why McGlone keeps his bullish stance on Bitcoin unchanged.

Galaxy Digital CEO Michael Novogratz, on the other hand, considers the increasing crypto adoption rate. From this point of view, he expresses the claim that Bitcoin will be $ 500,000 by the end of 2027.

Bitcoin price performance

As local currencies and tech stocks plummet, BTC is slowly regaining its safe-haven status. According to the data, following the collapse of the British pound in early September, investors in the UK traded around £846 million for Bitcoin.

Increasing buying pressure from the UK and US markets pushed the Bitcoin price above $20,000. Thus, the leading cryptocurrency managed to rise to a six-week high. At press time, Bitcoin was trading at $20,396, down 1.84% in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s recent positive move has caused the leading crypto to split from major tech stocks like Google and Meta, which fell by 6% and 20% respectively.

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