Vulnerability in the Altcoin Project in the Basket of the Turks!

The altcoin project, which also attracts the attention of Turkish crypto investors, announced today that it has detected a security vulnerability. After that, NFT marketplace Blur disabled the ‘Accept Pending Orders’ feature. In the latest development, the Blur founder announced that accepting pending orders has been re-enabled and that affected traders will be refunded.

Vulnerability in the platform of the altcoin project

Pacman, the founder of NFT marketplace Blur, said on social media that at around 11:00 pm on April 22, Blur detected a security vulnerability affecting a series of pending orders that were canceled in the last 80 hours. The team disabled the ‘Accept Pending Orders’ feature as soon as the vulnerability was discovered. In a 30-minute period, 36 affected pending orders were accepted. Blur has since fixed the issue and re-enabled the feature at 2:05 PM on April 22. Existing pending orders above the base price would be automatically canceled until acceptance of the pending order was activated.

In addition, all affected traders whose pending orders are accepted in this event will be refunded 2x the difference between their bid and the highest bid available at the time. For example, if the highest bid is 14.5 ETH and the affected pending order is accepted at 15.5 ETH, Blur will return 2 ETH. Affected traders do not need to sell their NFT to receive this return, which will be sent automatically within the next 24 hours.

Blur has temporarily disabled the ‘Accept Offer’ feature As we have reported, Blur has temporarily disabled the ‘Accept Pending Orders’ feature to fix the ‘Historical Pending Orders Still Automatically Execution’ error. According to feedback from the community, Blur has temporarily disabled the ‘Accept Offer’ feature in response to a bug on the platform where “past pending orders (expired or canceled) are still automatically executed”.

In a social media post, NFT whale aggregator dingaling reminded users who have ETH in the Blur bid pool to remove their assets in a timely manner. Because the altcoin project is currently experiencing a ‘past pending orders still auto-executing’ bug where many addresses have past pending orders in effect for Azuki series NFTs. Also, an address triggers a 9 15 ETH bid when the base price of this NFT series is 15 ETH. An address triggered 9 pending orders for 15.52 ETH when the NFT series base price was 15 ETH.

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