Vulnerability Detected in Home COVID-19 Test

A cybersecurity expert has identified a critical vulnerability in the home COVID-19 test of the medical technology company Ellume. This vulnerability, which can be exploited in the Android ecosystem, allowed the test result to be changed. Ellume announced that it has closed the vulnerability.

Ken Gannon, who continues his work within the cyber security company called F-Secure, is developed by the company named Ellume and usable at home Detected a critical vulnerability in coronavirus testing. This vulnerability allowed a person testing at home to change the test result. Moreover, the vulnerability that the results can be changed in both directions was providing.

The coronavirus tests developed by Ellume were giving results through mobile applications. The nasal swab type test is applied to the application installed on smartphones via Bluetooth. sending information, the resulting result made it possible to understand whether the person tested was caught with COVID-19. The data sent by the mobile application to the headquarters, the positive results of the people quarantine It also started the process. However, the vulnerability revealed by the cyber security expert has led to the question of whether there are people who have taken advantage of this vulnerability so far.

A rooted Android device exposed the vulnerability

Ken Gannon to understand how self-administered COVID-19 testing works a rooted Android device used. Cyber ​​security expert, who managed to change the information sent to the device via Bluetooth with the test kit during his studies, negative person positive, concluded that a person who is positive can be portrayed as negative. Whether the vulnerability uncovered in Android is found in the iOS ecosystem not disclosed.


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The cybersecurity expert reported his findings to Ellume. Making an official statement about the vulnerability, the company said that studies were carried out on the subject and that the vulnerability has been fixed reported. However, at this point, let’s not go without mentioning an important detail. So much so that whether someone who managed to exploit this vulnerability changed the test result. Unknown. In other words, some individuals who applied the test may have continued their lives by changing their results.

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