Vulnerability alert from Google: Update Chrome now

Popular internet browser Google Chrome, fell into the network of hackers again. Google says it is actively used by hackers to “high-risk” zero-day attacks warns Chrome users against

The latest update released by Google closes the third zero-day vulnerability this year. for Windows, Mac and Linux Chrome 100.0.4896.127 Sharing the update, Google stated that all users are potentially at risk.

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Critical zero-day vulnerability closed for Google Chrome

The security flaw that the tech giant fixed with the latest Chrome update CVE-2022-1364 is called. It has been stated that the zero-day vulnerability, which is stated to create a high level of vulnerability in the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, has been actively exploited.


According to the latest blog post shared by Google, the company was aware of the exploit for CVE-2022-1364. While it’s not clear how many users were affected yet, it potentially put entire user profiles at risk.

The final statement is also that the new update for Chrome emergency fix It also highlights how it is shared. This means users on all platforms should be careful.

The last zero-day discovered by Google’s Threat Analysis Group was the third security threat this year. Earlier in February and March CVE-2022-1096 and CVE-2022-0609 Two zero-day vulnerabilities were noticed and closed with updates.

Google stated that the new Chrome update will be available for all users in the coming days. If the update is shared it will be installed automatically, but if you still want to check it out Chrome > Help > About Google Chrome You can follow the path.

The new zero-day vulnerability that Google draws attention to is actively used by hackers. That’s why we recommend that you update Google Chrome as soon as possible.

What do you think about the Google Chrome zero-day vulnerability? Don’t forget to share your feedback with us on the SDN Forum or in the comments!

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