Volatility Continues in Cryptocurrency Funds: $10 Million Entry

According to data shared by digital asset manager CoinShares, there has been a net inflow of $10 million into institutional funds in the cryptocurrency market over the past week.

In the data shared on the official blog page of Coinshares, Low I/O lately said to continue. Also this week $10 million entry Total fund outflow in 8 weeks, together with It fell to $75 million.

CoinShares said in a post that investors are still hesitant.

It is stated that the money inflow in Ethereum last week continues, while a small amount in Bitcoin this week after last week. reported that there was an inflow of funds.

While there was money inflow to Bitcoin and many crypto money funds last week, at the same time, short Bitcoin fund 2.1 million dollars money inflow. Altcoins, on the other hand, experienced money outflow after a long time. A total of $4.4 million worth of small amounts of money have been outflowed from altcoins. $500,000 from Cardano, $400,000 from Solana and $300,000 from Ripple money outflow.

last week total 5.6 Having experienced a million dollar fund inflow, Ethereum continues to be one of the investment products with the highest output since the beginning of the year.

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