Vitalik Buterin Considers The Upcoming Major Ethereum Update

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, evaluated the upcoming “The Merge” update during the event held in Paris.

Merger also known as The Merge The update changes the Ethereum blockchain from being a proof-of-work algorithm, proof-of-stake pass it to the algorithm.

Speaking to the Ethereum community, Vitalik Buterin said, “Once this merger takes place, you will be able to write Ethereum clients that are proof-of-work.” said.

According to Buterin’s statements, the Turkish language on Ethereum’s roadmap “Rise” in its original form, which can be translated as “Surge” There is another process called

Buterin, “Ethereum is no longer available at the end of this roadmap. a much more scalable system It will become.” said and “Ethereum, at the end of the road It can handle 100,000 transactions per second.he added.

Merger, Although it plays a big role in Ethereum’s roadmap, there is still a lot of work to be done. According to the statements of Vitalik Buterin Merger update once completed, the roadmap can only be “55% complete” will be.

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